Be Good To Each Other
Eph.4:29 "Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers." We all have something going on in our lives, struggles we're facing, troubles we're dealing with, matters we're trying to figure out, challenges we're fighting to overcome, etc. Consider that those you meet on a daily basis are all going through something too, and here's the kicker: you don't know the extent of it and don't have the whole picture, only they do. Realizing this, can't we be a little better in our daily interactions? Can't we be good and decent people? This doesn't mean that we overlook sin, but rather we recognize that the very best thing we can do for others is to share with them the gospel; both in word, and in how we live and interact with them. What does the world see of you? So much of our time is spent up in our own heads dealing with our own troubles t...