
Showing posts from January, 2016


Resolutions Today is a time where we have the blessing of starting anew. This day we have the blessing of noticing where we did well, and where we erred, last year and how we might improve this year. Realizations come to us during this time like no other and, as a result, resolutions are stated. May we not let this day slip by without considering the daily assessment that we must be doing in order to ensure we keep ourselves pure and holy before our Lord. Each day, each moment, the Lord blesses us with is another chance to draw near unto Him and to flee from satan -- friends, may none of us waste the opportunities the Lord is giving us (2Pet.3: 9-12 ; Jms.4:6-17). Let's treat our days as the blessings from God that they are and let's choose every day this year to consciously put aside the sin so we can run with endurance the race before us (Heb.12:1-4). Are you resolved to do this? Am I? Let it be so, friends. Hymn: I Am Resolved I am resolved no longer to linger, Charmed...