
Instant...that word just sounds good doesn't it? We want something when we want it. I want it now, this instant! And, oh, how we live our lives demanding that something be done immediately, or some person to do as we desire, how we desire, right when we want them to. We live our lives, at times, demanding that time not be a factor, thinking not what that would mean in other areas of our life.
A loved one gets older, feebler, their health declines, yet we desire not their time be so quick to fade away because we love them and want as much time as possible with them.
Our children grow more each day. They are constantly learning, changing, coming ever closer to becoming adults and leaving home. We wish time would slow down at times so that we may enjoy them just a little while longer before they move on with their lives.
There comes a time in all of our lives where we wish time would just slow down, get less busy, let us take a breath. We know in our hearts that with each day we are closer to casting off this physical body. When we realize this, sometimes the things we do in life are done in order to distract us from this reality though we may not acknowledge it.
The truth is that we should be looking forward to eternity, if we're doing what we should in this life. We should be enjoying the life God has blessed us with but with the proper mindset of looking toward our goal of heaven.
God desires all men repent...what are we doing to help our fellow man do as God desires he do (2 Pet.3:9-12)? Do we honestly think God will give us a pass if we're neglecting this command (Matt.28:18-20; Heb.10:26-27; Jms.4:17)?
How quickly time passes, friends. What are we doing to redeem the time (Col.4:5-6; Eph.5:15-16)? We want what we want, right now. We do this foolishly. However, God wants us to do as He commanded not only instantly, but consistently; this is called righteousness. What will you do today to please your Heavenly Father? Will you be instant in your service, as well as consistent?
Thanks for dropping in.


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