Father's Love
Father's Love There are aspects about God that we gain a better insight into when we take on certain roles in life. We gain a perspective that we didn't quite fully grasp before; something within our minds and hearts just seems to click and we say, "Oh...So that's what that Scripture means." Or, "Ok, now I get it." Or perhaps even greater, "What love God has shown!" I can certainly think of no greater example of this than having your child born into this world. The love like no other we feel for that newborn baby, the natural instinct we seem to have in caring for them -those things we never knew how to do which now suddenly become second-nature to us (like swaddling or comforting a crying child)- the overwhelming and boundless love we have for that sweet child staring back at us. The love we have for them that causes us as parents to glow from within and which gives us a smile like we've never had before. There's just something about...