

It's no secret that it's cold out, tis the season.

I prefer not to complain about the weather, though. To me, complaining about the weather is fruitless, there's just no value in such a thing; complaining about weather amounts to wasted words, and with the limited time we have on this earth, who honestly has the time to waste on empty words -- maybe it's just me, but shouldn't we have something more to offer those around us than stating the obvious about the weather (Jms.4:14)?

After all, hasn't experience taught us that we have cause to expect such cold, considering the season? It's almost comical to me how we as people react to weather. Why do we act so shocked that, <gasp>"IT'S COLD!!"...yes, yes it is's winter. :-)

Call me strange, but I actually enjoy the cold; there's just something beautiful about it. There are many reasons I enjoy the cold, but there is one reason that is above all others: I enjoy the cold because I know it's evidence I'm alive, that God has given me yet another season on this earth to enjoy, that with the change of seasons relief from the present distresses of temperature is coming. This season teaches me about life in a very simple way; how about for you?

When the heat of summer comes, will we have the appreciation of the cold we're now experiencing? Without the feeling of this cold, would we know the blessing of warmth in the summer? Will we remember how we could always put on more clothes to keep our bodies at a comfortable temperature, but with the heat we can scarcely take but so much off to get cool? Think of that blessing.

Will we remember our gratitude to God, our praise of His care, the blessing we so greatly appreciate in the winter, which we often forget in the other months? Will we remember to thank Him for that immense blessing of shelter which keeps us warm and safe from the bitterness of the cold?

We learn, with each season that comes, that we have opportunities to give thanks or complain; we learn to either find a lesson in the seasonal weather, or a reason to curse and bemoan our condition; a reason to become stronger spiritually, even when our temporal bodies are in discomfort, or to waste the opportunity with focusing on this body more than our souls.

Might I suggest that, instead of complaining about the weather, we instead find a way to draw parallels with the seasons on earth to the seasons of our life, this very life which God has given? How can we use the daily changing of temperatures and weather conditions to help strengthen our souls?

Perhaps we can use this time to find something, even when this body is uncomfortable, to thank God for; perhaps we, as God's children, can use the time to recognize our blessings and do good to others; use the time - even this time in the freezing cold - to show those in this life how we look forward to the next. Maybe we can, as Christians, lift our eyes, hearts, and thoughts to God - do something different than the world - instead of focusing on how this tent, this temporary shell, this habitation of the soul is "inconvenienced" by weather. Everyone knows it's cold, you don't have to tell them that...but, consider, does everyone know the God who created this earth, the One who gives us the changing of seasons, do they know about His Son Jesus Christ who died to set them free from sin?

Does not this weather also teach us, vividly, that there are so many things out of our control? Does it not teach us that our role is to adapt to what happens around us? That our role in life is to control ourselves, that when things out of our control take place God has given us the tools to know how to conduct ourselves? Does it not teach us to rely upon God, to find the blessings in each day of life, to show gratitude to the God who gives us life and sustains our souls? Does it not teach us that our time here is short, these bodies are fragile, and our minds can distract us - by way our body feels - from what is truly important?

Instead of complaining and/or stating the obvious to any who will listen, how about we learn to be able to speak as David did and then do as Paul instructs - regardless of the weather:

"This is the day the Lord has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it." ~Psalm 118:24 NKJV

"Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers. And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. Let all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice. And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you." ~Ephesians 4:29-32 NKJV

Let's use this day, this time of year, this season of cold, in the proper way and use each opportunity we are given in this body to praise God. Let's give thanks for everything - especially those things which we only learn to appreciate in the cold and which we often pay no mind to in the heat. Be different from the world, friends. Let the world marvel at our perspective of life; let them marvel at the hope we have, that hope which does not change based on bodily warmth or cold, but rather the hope that is assured to our souls from the God of heaven Himself, through His Son.

This year, this season, marks our (20th, 30th, 40th, etc.) winter...don't you think it's about time we shake off stating the obvious and instead let people hear that which they don't know about, the gospel of Jesus Christ?

How much time will we take today to instead talk about Him, His blessings, salvation through His blood that washes us clean in the waters of baptism, and the hope of heaven through Him (Is.53; Matt.26-27; Ac.2:37-38; Gal.3:26-27; 1Pet.1:13-25; Rom.5:1-11; Eph.4:4-6; 1Pet.3:13-22)?

Wouldn't it be a better usage of our time, my dear friends, to speak of Him and these truths, that which is not obvious to many in the world, rather than spending our time stating the obvious of having winter winter?

This body will grow cold, tired, weary, and will eventually die - in view of this, let's use these thoughts and this season to consider our souls, and encourage others to do the same. Use each day to God's glory:

"Therefore we do not lose heart. Even though our outward man is perishing, yet the inward man is being renewed day by day." ~II Corinthians 4:16 NKJV


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