Perspective - Rough Week

Perspective - Rough Week

"For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to  be  compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us...Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us." (Rom.8:18,37)

When times get tough, where do we go? Sometimes it's so easy to only think about your present troubles, those things which are bringing stress and trials your way. I've been thinking all week about this, but as I think here on a Friday my mind goes to my Savior.

We often say "I can't wait until the weekend! If I could just get to Friday!" But when I consider my week, it's really nothing in comparison to Jesus. Think you've had a bad week? Think people have treated you ill? Think the stress is too much?

Take the time to read Matthew 26-27. Quietly reflect.
Take the time to read John 13-20. Quietly reflect.

Pray to the Lord and thank Him, ask for guidance, ask for a greater perspective to handle the issues you're dealing with. Go to God in prayer of thanksgiving for all He is, has done, and for His continued watchful care of us all (Phil.4:1-8). Let's gain perspective and take what may be a stressful time to thank the Lord for all He endured so we can look beyond this world to the home He has prepared for us in Heaven.

My "bad weeks" are nothing when I look at what my Savior endured. It's because He endured all of that, that I have the ability to endure whatever is tossed my way in this life. It is because of His life, death, and resurrection that I can live unto Him, die to sin, and be resurrected to live with Him for eternity when this life is over.

At the end of Jesus' week, His weekend, He was: beaten, scourged, spit upon, blasphemed, lied about, falsely accused, viciously nailed to a cross, lifted up to die, laughed at, mocked, and suffered to death. He did all of that, endured it all, while having the power to end it all and destroy man in an instant -- yet He stayed there, He suffered through it all, so that we might be able to follow Him into Heaven. He gave us His all, will we not give all unto Him?

Let's take some time to meditate on our Savior. Pray unto God this day. Remember what He endured before you respond to people today. Don't let stress get the better of you -- Jesus knows what a bad week is, He can help us through.

Friends, let's not leave our thoughts there though... may we all look forward to Sunday. Our precious Lord arose on the first day of the week. May we look forward to that day where we can gather with our fellow-Christians and worship our Lord. Don't leave Jesus in the grave in your heart or mind -- HE AROSE!!! And so shall we all when this life is over. Let's live in such a way where we are raised to live forever with our Lord (1Cor.15).

Endure. Pray harder. Sing praises unto the Lord. Pour out your heart unto Him. Lean upon the Lord and your brethren. We're here to help one another get to heaven, let your brethren help. Hug your family and friends, thank God for them and tell them how much they mean to you. Take a time of stress to focus on what truly matters most in this life and how blessed you are by God. Life is more than whatever we go through right now -- Christian, something better awaits, don't let the present distress keep you from going home. Jesus showed us how to endure, and how to go home, may we all follow Him.


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