Have you ever been physically lost?
Maybe as a child? Or as an adult have you ever been lost on a trip or in a bad part of town? Perhaps out camping or hiking, have you ever lost your way?
How did that event make you feel; did you feel safe, secure, comfortable?
When we're lost we take great comfort, and have great relief, when someone recognizes that we're missing or we're not where we said we would be and seeks us out. Guidance is sought out, directions are given, perhaps search parties are sent out; help is on the way, you'll be safe soon.
As a young boy I got lost in the mall after seeing a movie with my family and some friends. They didn't realize I was gone until later when I wasn't at home where I was supposed to be. But as soon as I saw Mom, I came running to her so happy and relieved that she came to get me. My family loved me enough to come find me, they sought me out, they retrieved me.
Satan, and the world, would have us to believe that lost is where we belong, lost is freedom, lost is fun. Nothing could be further from the truth, friends.
Consider that we are roaming around aimlessly in this world - no direction, no real purpose, but awaiting the final judgment where we will be cast out from before God for eternity - if we're living in sin. We're lost. Until one day someone seeks us out and brings us the saving gospel of Jesus Christ; think about it! Someone came to save us from the danger of being lost! Through our obedience to God's instruction, He gave us a new life, a home, a family who cares, and He as our Father always seeks us out through His word and is constant in His location (God is always where He can be found, He never hides). Our Lord loves us, truly, and He desires none of His children be lost. Think of those blessings!
Yet, there are those in this life who have chosen to be lost, they've chosen to leave God after having been recipients of His unwavering love. There are also those who are unaware they are lost, they're roaming about this life without God, in eternal danger of hell, and the world loves to keep them ignorant of these facts. Satan, and his followers, would have us all believe that being lost is the greatest thing and turning our backs on God is a great idea...friend, don't believe the lies!
God is not hidden and neither is His word (Ac.17:22-31). If we are lost, it's our own fault - no one else's. If others are living a life based on lies rather than God's word, then they are lost. If we know others are lost and we refuse to show them the word of God to correct their lives...well, guess what - we're both lost (Ezek.3:18-21).
What are we going to do about it?
Are going to keep turning a blind eye to the lost of this world? God loves every soul (2Pet.3:9), that's why His Son died -to save sinners (Rom.3:23; 6:23; Mk.2:17)- but He demands that His children be the ones to carry that beautiful message of salvation through Jesus Christ to those who are lost and dying in sin - can He depend on you and me (Matt.28:18-20; Lk.6:46)? Can God depend on us to follow His command that we spread His word and seek out the lost? Or, will today be yet another day that we say, "Nah, not my problem. Here am I Lord...but send someone else." Or will we yet make today the day we say like Isaiah, "Here am I, send me!" (Is.6:8)
Someone once thought enough, loved us and God enough, to bring us the gospel, to take the time to teach us and bring us to a full knowledge of the truth. Are we so calloused and unappreciative that we won't extend others that same courtesy and blessing of hearing God's word? Do we think this gospel of Christ is not "good news" - think about how we shout earthly good news from the mountaintops...what about the good news of our risen Savior?
God will certainly judge us for what we do this day - may we be found pure and righteous in His sight when this day comes to its end. May we find lost souls, love them, and bring them that word which will guide them to safety and salvation. God has sent out His search party to find the lost and to offer them the way to safety, security, and salvation - we, as Christians are that search party. May we be diligent in our work.
Lord, use as Your vessels to carry those lost in sin from the shores of damnation to the shores of salvation according to Your word, Your way, and Your will.
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