
Showing posts from June, 2015

Don't Let Success Lead To Complacency

Two quotes from the keynote at a work conference: "Success fuels complacency." "To become better, break free from past success." While this is true in many ways with business, my mind turns to the application spiritually. In no uncertain terms, God warns us against the sort of mindset spoken on in the quotes above. "Let him who thinks he stands, take heed lest he fall." -1Cor.10:12 Just because we succeeded in the past with defeating satan, or because we feel strong now, is not a guarantee that we'll continue. We have to continuously defend against him at what seems like every turn in this life. Just because we had past success doesn't mean we'll continue to have it; ask Elijah about that (1Kings18-19). Sometimes our defeat can come from within ourselves as we look around and think we're the only ones standing for what's right. However, just as Elijah learned, we're not alone and God will always deliver His humble and righteous...


Resist The word resist has different meanings in the following texts, did you know that? I didn't. Let's look at the meanings: James 4:6 --> God resists the proud... "to range in battle against" James 4:7 --> resist the devil... "to set oneself against, oppose" 1Pet.5:9 --> resist satan... "to set oneself against, oppose" Our resistance of that which is evil is to set ourselves against it or be in opposition to it; else, if we fail in this responsibility, God's resistance of us will be as the resistance of warfare - we will be in battle against Him. Let's dwell on that thought for just a moment... Failure to oppose sin amounts to being proud, being proud causes God to resist us - which means going to war against God. So, if we're going to war against God, let's consider the utter futility of such an action that we choose to do by our sin. We must ask, "When has God ever lost? When has the Almighty ever failed? W...


Headlines O Lord, I know the way of man is not in himself; It is not in man who walks to direct his own steps. ~Jeremiah 10:23 NKJV   I read the headlines, usually daily, to get an idea of what's going on in this nation and world of ours. In doing this I find myself shaking my head more often and praying to God that the events in this world may cause doors to be open to the gospel, for the happenings in our day are getting increasingly more morally debased and the people growing more depraved. I look at what is going on and where I might find myself losing hope or getting angry, I now find myself more resolved to strengthen myself and my family spiritually for the battle ahead of us. I find myself looking to God and His word more often, praying more sincerely, admitting to myself that I certainly don't have the answers but my God certainly does. My son, so sweet and innocent now, will one day be a man living in this world - this world that we as adults are now both buil...