
O Lord, I know the way of man is not in himself; It is not in man who walks to direct his own steps. ~Jeremiah 10:23 NKJV
I read the headlines, usually daily, to get an idea of what's going on in this nation and world of ours. In doing this I find myself shaking my head more often and praying to God that the events in this world may cause doors to be open to the gospel, for the happenings in our day are getting increasingly more morally debased and the people growing more depraved. I look at what is going on and where I might find myself losing hope or getting angry, I now find myself more resolved to strengthen myself and my family spiritually for the battle ahead of us. I find myself looking to God and His word more often, praying more sincerely, admitting to myself that I certainly don't have the answers but my God certainly does. My son, so sweet and innocent now, will one day be a man living in this world - this world that we as adults are now both building up and tearing down - and as a parent my heart aches for what lies ahead of him, but my own spirit is stirred and it wells up with determination to lead him in the ways of Christ.
Being a parent causes a change within us, or at least it should, and we see things in a different light than we had before. My clarity in certain situations has both improved and blurred. My resolve to lead has certainly been stirred; I find myself looking to other men in their roles and at times I find myself shaking my head for these men and the children they obviously still are rather than the men they should be, yet at the same time I see my own failures and faults while realizing that I also am still a child in some areas of my own life. The conclusion I arrive at is that the areas I've identified, and continue to find as I evaluate myself with God's word, are no longer acceptable to just dismiss because my son looks to me as his primary example of how to become a man. What footsteps will he follow? Can his mother and I be assured he'll follow the steps of Christ? With all that is within me I pray that this is so, and I take comfort in the daily challenge to follow Christ, knowing that my God has seen fit to furnish me unto every good work and given me everything I need to follow His Son and to lead my own son (2Tim.3:16-17; 2Pet.1:2-3; Jude 3). Behind me lies the dead man of sin, ahead of me lies my home in heaven; my choices today determine whether I'll dig up that dead man I was before and try to live his life which leads to hell, or if I'll put on my risen Savior and live like Him reaping eternal life. My desire is to live like Christ so that I can say to my sweet boy, "Imitate me, as I imitate Christ" (1Cor.11:1).
What happens to this world and the nations around us matter not, for nations of man will continue to rise and fall as they've always done. A few things I know for certain is that God's word and His ways will prevail forever, He reigns eternally and supreme, righteousness will be rewarded and wickedness will not go unpunished. My job is to follow Christ and to lead my family in doing the same; in doing this we cannot help but seek the lost as we journey homeward. If we will but do this, we'll be prepared to meet God - it matters not what man does (Lk.12:4-6).


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