No Retreat
(Latin) aut cum scuto aut in scuto (English) either with shield or on shield -- do or die, "no retreat"; said by Spartan mothers to their sons as they departed for battle. I don't know about you, but this phrase stirs me up within. It awakens within the reality of life and the battle before me every day. The very idea of "no retreat" makes my eyes flash with determination. I'm in this fight until my last breath. I'm in this battle until my body is left lifeless. I WILL be victorious, whether I go home today alive or I'm struck down - victory is assured. All this because I follow Jesus Christ. To escape the traps laid by our adversary is not cowardice, rather it is another defeat of him to our credit - a victory only possible through our Lord. To avoid sin, to escape the surety of death to one's soul, to win over satan by keeping oneself from sin - however that comes about - always, always results in victory over our adversary. If we si...