What Is Your Trajectory

What Is Your Trajectory

Trajectory (n): path followed by...an object moving under the action of given forces

What is our life but the following of a path under the action of given forces? We operate either on the broad path leading to destruction or the narrow path leading to life (Matt.7:13-15). We move under the action of the given force - whether that be God or satan. God has given us all good things and "in Him we live, move, and have our being".

The path is completely our choice, and even refusing to choose (by apathy or laziness) we've already made our choice of the broad path to destruction. No one chooses to walk the narrow path by accident. Each step is intentional, each action chosen carefully, each moment weighed on the scales of God. Our trajectory has us headed, intentionally, to heaven; all other paths head straight to hell.

What about you? Are you take each step purposely to heaven? Are you stepping carefully and confidently into the footprints of our Savior along the narrow way home? 

Or are you, whether it be by sins of omission or sins of commission, headed down the road to destruction? There are plenty of people in this life headed straight to hell with a big smile on their face...but they won't smile at the judgment as they kneel before God and He tells them to depart. What about you, friend?

What's the proof for your steps to heaven? Just believing you're going isn't enough, what are you actively doing now to do what God's given us? Are you working the works of God, or man?

Carefully consider the following:
Ecclesiastes 12:13-14
2 Thessalonians 1:6-10
Matthew 7:13-27
Hebrews 10:26-31
James 4:1-17
James 1:19-27
Acts 2:37-42
Ephesians 4:1-6

Where do your footsteps lead? What's your trajectory? 

Make it be an eternal home in heaven.


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