An Invitation

An Invitation

What if I were to offer you 10 opportunities to hear a message that will change your life forever? Would you come with me to hear it...

What if I were to tell you that each session would come from a proven book that always produced perfect results when carefully followed? Would you come with me to learn from it...

What if I were to assure you that by hearing these sessions taught, and by following the instructions given, you would have more riches than you could ever comprehend? Would you want to take part in that...

What if I assured you that by hearing and obeying you would be adopted into a family that stretched across the whole earth, whose Father never leaves or forsakes, whose brothers and sisters sacrifice themselves for the well-being of their siblings, and whose inheritance will be so glorious that only the highest of human terms are used to describe it - yet even those can't quite begin to touch the true beauty and glory of it? Would you want any part of that...

Here is that opportunity.

The message: the gospel of Jesus Christ

The riches: heaven

The result: eternal life

The family: God the Father, Jesus (the Son of God) as our brother/joint-heir, our brothers and sisters in Christ

Come join us for a week of Gospel preaching -- the beautiful message of God's word being spoken each time. You won't want to miss this! Come be with us, friends.


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