
Driving through thick fog can be challenging, even scary at times. When the fog is so thick you can hardly see the road, you really have to keep your eyes open and body alert. There is a reason we turn our lights on when there's fog - 1) so we can navigate 2) so other drivers can see us. If we don't have our lights on, then we're putting ourselves in danger, as well as others. We can't control what the other drivers do, but we can control our own decisions.

Perhaps you've already seen the parallels to our lives as Christians. The Lord tells us that as His children that we are to do the following:
* Shine our lights (Matt.5:14-16; Phil.2:14-15)
* Be alert and watchful (1Pet.5:8-9; Eph.5:15-16)
* Control our own actions (Jer.10:23; Ps.119:101-106) 
* Navigate through the darkness and fog of life by the illumination of Jesus Christ (Eph.5:8-14)
* The road we travel is narrow and few find it (Matt.7:13-14)

Consider the consequence if we fail to shine as children of Christ: 
* We put ourselves on the path to destruction (Matt.7:13; Phil.3:17-21)
* We put others in danger (Ezek.3:17-21; 2Pet.2:1-3)
* We deny our Lord (2Tim.2:12-13; 2Tim.3:1-5)
* We turn back to the old man of sin rather than put him to death (2Pet.2:20-22; Rom.6:5-12)

What about you and I today: will we be the light in the darkness of this world that surrounds us? Will we shine our lights bright by reflecting our Lord and Savior?
Lead the way to heaven, illuminate this dark world with the light of Christ in all you do, say, and think this blessed day the Lord has given. 

If you and I don't shine our lights wherever we are and lead others to Christ, who will? 

Treat each interaction today as if it were your last on earth, for it very well may be, and consider how living this way might change the world around you for the better and lead others to Christ. Turn the light on and live for the Lord today!


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