Training Harder

Training Harder

"Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me. Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus."

Some days are easier, or perhaps more manageable, than others; at other times it's a constant fight to just keep our heads above the proverbial water. Our growth can be a painful endeavor as far as this life is concerned. We, at times, have to push ourselves even harder than is normal to do what's right and grow as Christians in our individual lives, as well as our normal growth in other ways as humans.

These struggles hurt, they test our resolve, they cause us to see what we're made of; but most importantly, they are opportunities to shine like our Savior. Opportunities to show ourselves that with the Lord we truly can get through any challenge this life tosses our way.

Some days it just hurts to move, to exercise, to get moving. Friend, thank God for the ability to feel that hurt, that pain. It seems almost laughable to say that, but consider what that pain means - it is a sign you're alive and your body is responding. How many don't have that, how many have lost the ability to feel - perhaps in more ways than bodily? When we apply this principle spiritually, how many have, by their own choice, chosen to quit feeling spiritually? What a blessing to feel the pain and struggles of life, what a blessing to be at a place spiritually where the gospel can still touch our hearts, penetrate our souls, and where we are able to lay our petitions before the Lord (Phil.4:4-7).

There are times where pain is a signal something is wrong, and we need to see a doctor about that...whether this be physical or spiritual. Physical pain can clue us in to an underlying issue, pain is a symptom of something needing fixing. Spiritual pain, most often felt because of the struggle between this earthly body and our eternal soul, is no less a symptom that something needs fixing. In this life we have physical doctors for our bodies, and the Great Physician Jesus Christ for our souls.

However, there are also times where pain is an indication of either growth, exercise of a muscle, or just something we need to work through.

An example of this is my experiences working out. There are days at the gym where it just hurts to lift the weights, but on those days when I'm tempted to take it easy I have begun training myself to dig down deeper and mentally and physically push even harder; my solution on those days is to load on more weight. I have begun training myself to push harder during times of hurt (again, provided it's not the "I'm injured" kind of hurt brought on by bad form). When my mind tells my body, "Stop. You can't do another rep, you need to take a break...just head back home and go back to bed. It's just one workout..." I press myself to rise above that voice and go for a few more reps instead.

It is my belief that when we push ourselves mentally and physically through times of hurt, then when we have times of bliss then we are even stronger and more useful during those times - understanding those blissful times present their own set of challenges. If I train myself physically to get even more determined and mentally strong when things are difficult, when I think/feel I can't do this anymore, then I'm better equipped for the chaos that confronts me in life. When I look at a bar loaded down with heavy weight I remember, "Man, this is just weight! This has nothing on the burdens I will bear in my life. Conquer it!" And so I can take that mindset into spiritual matters and realize that God gives me the strength, through Christ, to manage any weight of life and to lay aside whatever offends.

Some days I lift that weight, some days I surpass what I thought possible and get a new personal best, other days I push but don't have the strength. I recognize there is a contrast here, and that when we feel the weight of the world pressing down on us, our burden growing heavier, we go to the Lord (Matt.11:28-30) and only in Him do we have the strength. When we fail and fall spiritually, it's not because God didn't give us the tools, it's because we didn't utilize them properly.

Consider what Paul went through for the cause of Christ. Consider how he pushed himself to the max, what he endured, what he considered a blessing to be able to do for the Lord (2 Cor.11). Take note of what we're told in Hebrews 12:1-4,
"Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. For consider Him who endured such hostility from sinners against Himself, lest you become weary and discouraged in your souls. You have not yet resisted to bloodshed, striving against sin."

Pray harder, dig deeper, meditate clearer, get that determined look in your eye, take that deep cleansing breath of fresh heavenly air, set that fire burning within loose and serve God even more!!!

Key in on the pain that is present, assess where it comes from, go to the One who will heal, and then get to work. One day we will cast off this body, one day we will be judged for our deeds in this flesh - how much will the pain you experience matter when compared to eternity? Consider that what might be keeping you from proper service is pain brought about by bad form - going outside the bounds of God's word - and what you need to do is train harder to get back in alignment. Fix what needs fixing with God's word. Train yourself to dig deeper into His word and pray even more when you feel the weight of life bearing down. God gives you the strength to bear that weight, gives you rest from that burden, to cast off what offends, and do more in your service to Him.

Condition yourself with the word of God and you will surely win the war against sin.

In times of hurt - dig deeper, train harder, overcome with the Lord.


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