Addressing the #BlackLivesMatter Movement

Addressing The #BlackLivesMatter Movement

"...Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness... So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. Then God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it...and it was so. Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good. So the evening and the morning were the sixth day."

God created us. To say that one "race" is better than another or deserves more dignity, respect, attention, or benefit to life is to speak against the God who made us. Man can make a mess of things, I get that (just read the next several chapters of Genesis for proof of that), but to say that one segment of people matter more than another because of real or perceived wrong perpetrated upon another is ludicrous.

I am white and I don't apologize for it. Why, because I'm a racist? No, because I don't make it a habit of mine to apologize for something over which I have no control - like my height or genetic make up - because to do so makes no sense. To apologize for something means you do what is in your power to make amends for the thing for which you make apology - no, my race does not fall into that category and neither does yours.

If the movement of #BlackLivesMatter really was honest about their assertion, they wouldn't be perpetrating the notion of #WhiteGuilt or claiming their lives matter more than another. If your movement really had an ounce of honesty  you wouldn't be inciting violence. If your movement really had an ounce of honor, you'd not be protesting political events or interrupting peaceful assembly or rioting in the streets shouting for your cause. If you really cared, as you say you do, about "black lives" then you'd be calling attention to the fact that Planned Parenthood has been wiping out whole generations of blacks through abortion and helping to destroy the family unit of a mother and father in the homes in your communities all over this country. Not 30-40 years ago black communities had about 75% of their households with both a mother and a father, now that statistic is said to be about 25% - that's something your cause should be shocked about and shouting over. This isn't just a "black" problem though, it plagues every race of person all over this world. Mankind has pursued sin and we see the result over and over.

You want to say that #BlackLivesMatter, then actually mean it and show it by protesting for Planned Parenthood to stop butchering unborn (and born) babies. If black lives REALLY matter, as I will readily agree they do, then how about calling attention to the fact that our country has been murdering children for decades - but not just black children, they've butchered all races, and we fund it as a nation. Make your movement actually about lives and more people will listen. Quit inciting violence and fomenting more hatred and violence because of skin color. Yes, #BlackLivesMatter, but no more than any other race -- that's what got us in this mess. When we continue to segment our society into various groups as man will seek to always do, and allow politicians and media to perpetuate it, then guess what happens naturally to those groups which have been segmented...they are eventually pitted against the other because of man's ways and because of the sin involved.

If we were to segment our society and this world as God does, sinner vs saved, then perhaps we'd start making lasting improvements (Gal.3:26-28; Rom.3:23; Rom.6:23; 1Jn.1:10). For if we segment and see ourselves as our Creator sees us, then we can honestly do something about that issue. I can't change my race and neither can you, but we both can do something about the state of our souls before God. Jesus Christ died for your sins, for my sins, for the sins of mankind - the HUMAN RACE - and that's what should matter, that should be ALL that matters.

You and I agree on the fact that our country, even our world, has some intense problems to work through (I think nearly everyone would agree with this). However, #BlackLivesMatter, the way in which we go about fixing these problems is not saying one race of man matters more than another. It's not with vengeance, hatred, harsh words, or violence - no, it's with that Great Equalizer of mankind - the word of God Almighty.

God does not see as man sees and His ways are not man's ways - but we should all be aiming to see as He sees and making His ways our ways (Is.55:8-9; Jer.10:23); after all, He has given us everything we need to become perfect before Him and are called to follow His Son (2Tim.3:16-17; 2Pet.3:1; Matt.11:28-30; 1Jn.1:5-10). God has the solution, God IS the solution!

To those fighting for this cause to reach equality, fight for every life in America and call on the leaders of this movement to stop the violence being encouraged. Quit the vitriol being spewed. Make this movement truly about lives, not promoting more division and hatred among races of people. Skin is not the problem in our culture or in our world, sin is. Fix the sin problems by applying the word of God, and the fight over skin goes away.

There is only ONE RACE that really matters here - the HUMAN RACE. God created us all in His image, may we seek to be like our Creator and see that while the world is made up of various shades of people we're either one of two "shades" before God - saved or lost. Follower of Jesus Christ or follower of satan. Cleansed from sin by the blood of Jesus Christ or dead in our sins and walking in the ways of satan.

Let's stop this talk that pits us against one another and let's agree to submit ourselves unto God Almighty (Phil.2:1-11). Friends, if we would but do this - do this and just watch God work! All the issues being talked about are solved by fixing the root cause of the ills of man, sin and satan. Sin and satan are the enemy in this life, not each other.


If we really mean this, if Jesus' life and His death really matter to us, then we'll live like Jesus lived and we'll reach the lost souls of mankind with His word and call on man to follow His ways (Matt.28:18-20). We'll busy ourselves with the work and cause of God - to reach those lost in sin with the saving gospel message of Jesus Christ. We'll call for respect and dignity for ALL lives, the unborn as well as born, the aged as well as young, the sinful as well as saved. We all matter to God, may we all matter to one another.

Let's do something about the one thing we can truly control in this world and our lives - our state before God, whether we're saved from sin or not. Friend, that's what truly matters in this life and that's what Jesus Christ gave His life for - saving the world from their sins. What will we give our lives for (Gal.2:20; Rom.12:1-2; Rev.2:10; Phil.3:17-21)?!

You want to join a cause? Let it be the CAUSE of our Lord.



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