Be The Spark

Be The Spark

Sometimes we as a people need a spark to set aflame the spirit within so we'll arise and take the battle to the enemy.

Consider with me the following two examples of this:

Jonathan with his armor bearer (1Sam.14) - struck down 20 Philistines in about half an acre of space; rallied the Israelites to arise from their hiding places and pursue the the Philistines to war with them  -- the actions of Jonathan and his armor bearer resulted from their faith in God; their actions stirred a nation to fight against their oppressors.

David (1Sam.17) - went to war with, and struck down, the champion of the Philistines (Goliath) as the Israelites and their king hid themselves in the mountains and caves. His actions resulted in the defeat of the Philistines' champion and the further defeat and routing of the Philistine army.

These are the actions of one who has faith in God and the courage to do what is needed...someone who is willing to step out and face the enemy head-on. The world always needs these kinds of people, and following God's word always produces these types.

There is enough evil going on in our lifetime, enough oppressive actions by evil-doers, enough inciting of violence disguising itself as "justice" among men. Our culture is becoming ever more sickening and depraved with each day -- will we be like our ancestors and hide ourselves in the mountains while the armies of satan defy our God? Or will we be like Jonathan and David and be that spark which awakens the people of God? Will we be the one who steps out in faith and confronts the evilness of man? Our actions may just be the spark that lifts others out of their hiding places to find the courage to join the army of the Lord and contend with satan.

Let none of us misunderstand -- the weapons of our warfare are not carnal and we do not war according to this flesh (Eph.6:10-17; 2Cor.10:3-6); our battle is greater than this carnal body, it is against satan and sin. Sin is the root cause of the evils of man perpetrated upon other men. We take the physical lessons - of Jonathan and David - and we apply them spiritually under the law of Christ.

Be the spark. Take the step out in faith and make a stand for truth in your life. The enemy laughs at our God and he laughs in our face - answer with valiant and resolute action, silence the enemy with being set apart unto God, forsake sin and draw nearer to God (Jms.4:7-8). Defeat the evil each time it presents itself. Strike down the sin in your life!

Many want to do what is right, they just lack the courage to step out and do it. Sometimes we need a push, we need a spark - like David and Jonathan - to strengthen our resolve. Have the courage to take a stand for truth and righteousness in your life.

Be the spark, friends.


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