Every Interaction A Blessing

Every Interaction A Blessing

Have you considered the fact that each interaction we have with another person is a blessing?

I haven't seen this in the complete sense until just recently, or if I have realized it before I haven't reflected that knowledge in my actions. I ask forgiveness for this failure of mine and hope my realization of it can help others avoid the pitfalls that are put in front of each of us.

After reading Matthew 9 and seeing how Jesus interacted with those whom others would accuse of interrupting Him and His day, I see how our Lord treated these interactions differently than most would. As our Lord was approached, He took time with these and, as a result, He blessed their lives. Take a look at John 4 where Jesus' taking the time with others, Samaritans no less (!!), led to immense blessings. Consider that the lives of others can likewise be blessed by an interaction with us because we follow in the footsteps of Jesus Christ. No, we're not going to physically heal anyone or perform any miracles like He did, but we do have His words and His soul-saving message.

Each interaction, whether good or bad in our minds and through human reasoning, is an opportunity to shine the light of Jesus Christ (Matt.5:13-16)!!! Every word we say, every action we undertake, every moment we spend here on this earth - all blessings from God and all are opportunities to serve our Lord.

Friends, may we all seek today to allow the word of God to open our eyes to see the blessing in each interaction -- yes, even those we would deem "interruptions" or "inconveniences" (Ps.9; Ps.86; Ps.19). May we learn to thank God for every breath, and so thank Him for every occasion to use that breath to His glory (Ps.139; Jms.4:14,17).


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