The Mind
The Mind My dad told me this as a small child in regard to sports and letting the circumstances of the competition and the actions of the other team get to me, "Son, don't let them get in your head; if you let them get in your head, they've won." Wise words. Later this statement was transferred into when I had trouble at school and was bullied (it happened a good bit). Naturally I took this wise lesson into many other circumstances in my life and it has served me well. Sometimes parents, we wander if the things we say to our kids get through -- I can attest to the fact that the important things stay with us (Prov.22:6). I thank my Dad for his wisdom, it has helped me through some difficult times and it still does even today; I plan to pass these wise sayings, rooted in God's truth, on to my own children. We must stand a vigilant guard over what we allow in to our minds in this life. To let evil things in is to be consumed and beaten. Consider, "Finally, ...