Time & Choice

Time and Choice

There are two things that each breath, each moment, affords us in this life: time and a choice.

Our question is what are we doing with the time we're being given, that blessing of one more breath, that blessing of God's mercy in allowing us one more chance before the Judgment Day to get our lives where they need to be - each moment is proof of God's longsuffering and love (2Pet.3:9-11).

What choices are we making with our time here?

It sure would be convenient for us if we could blame the devil for our missteps, for our sins, for our failings in life. For most of us as adults when we see someone shifting blame for their faults it often makes us angry, or at the least we're disappointed that someone chooses that way of life. Why is that? When someone never owns up, never takes responsibility,  but always points the finger at everyone but themselves then it shows an immaturity and an unwillingness to grow up. Kids do this, we actually expect that and are prepared to teach them out of it (hopefully!), but when adults do this it makes most of us cringe.

Here's the simple truth: every action we undertake, whether it be a reactive, methodically planned out, by 'instinct', or some other means; every action is a choice. We choose to do what we do. No one "makes" us do anything, not God and not the devil.

When we stand before God in the Judgment Day, we'll answer for the deeds done in this flesh of ours (Eccl.12:13-14; Heb.4:12-13; Rom.13:14). Some will read such passages and seek to find the exception, as if that explains their situation. However, trying to find the exception to these scriptures is fruitless and foolish - God has spoken on these matters and His word is unchanging, so the only thing we can change is ourselves; and that we must.

How often do we look for excuses rather than just do what God expects of us? Do you take God's word personally, or does it apply to everyone else? When you read a passage of Scripture, is your first thought "Oh, that applies to [insert person or group]!" Or "I have ammo to speak to that person/group and tell them where they're wrong!" What about applying the word of God to ourselves first, practicing it in our own lives, overcoming our own faults, working to resolve the problem of sin in our lives personally, and help others do the same in theirs? Hopefully we all have a desire to please the Lord and he submissive to Him; while we seek to please Him we must help others honestly and without any hint of that deadly disease of the mind called "I'm-better-than-you-itus" or "pride" which is the attitude the Lord condemns (Lk.18:9-14).

When we engage in that struggle of the flesh against the Spirit we're better equipped to actually help others rather than level a long list of "here's-where-you're-wrong" at them. Will people be wrong? Yes! Might I be wrong? Yes! So what do we do? We appeal to God's word, find out what He says and then we obey it.

Everyone has one of two choices for every action in this life: God's way or not God's way. One leads us to Heaven while the other leads to Hell. We'll answer for the choice we make, and so will everyone else.

With each breath we're using the time given from God, and with each choice here we're making the decision of where we'll spend eternity where time never ends -- which will it be? God or satan; Heaven or hell?

Time and choice.

Right now we're being given both, what will we do with them?

"And if it seems evil to you to serve the Lord, choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” (Josh.24:15)


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