
Showing posts from March, 2014

Your Speech Betrays You

We are citizens of a kingdom not of this earth, a kingdom that is everlasting, if we are truly Christians (2 Pet.1:10-12). While upon this earth we are indeed pilgrims and sojourners on our way home (1 Pet.2:11). As we journey, let us consider the following: While Peter was warming his hands outside the courtyard while Jesus was being accused, a servant said to him, "No, but you are one of His disciples! Your speech betrays you!" At this Peter cursed and denied Christ (Mt.26:72-74). His speech betrayed him because he was from the region of Galilee and his dialect/accent was evident of such. Seeing that they noted him for his identifying language of a certain region, he then changed his manner of speech to cursing as if an attempt to further prove his point that he was surely not one of His disciples. It is no secret that we are products of our environment; as products of our environment one of those things we carry with us is our accents and manner of speech. Our acc...


Have you figured out your purpose in life? Do you want to know what it is? Here it is: Serve God ( Eccl.12:13-14 ) Yes, it actually is that simple. The purpose for everyone's life throughout all of time has been, and still is, completely the same. However, our roles in this life are what makes our journey different while pursuing the same goal - this meaning that we are all faced with different challenges by the circumstances of life, combination of our choices, and various places we find ourselves. But the way we are to go about this life, no matter our role, is by using the same "rule book" and by depending upon God through it all.   We all have different roles in this life, that is no secret. The roles we have are, in some cases, continuously changing as we age and go through life; on the other hand, some of our roles never change, we just grow and mature in them. In every area of life, the role we serve as God's servant matters.   ·    ...


Memories can be wonderful things, but they can also be painful to recall. If we use our memories productively then they can be our teacher and will work to move us forward with life ( Phil.3:12-14 ). One of the beauties of our memories is that we can look back at all we've done, and then thank God that we're even able to enjoy the blessings of today because of His longsuffering and mercy toward us. We are here today because God has spared us and has not yet returned to judge the world; but rest assured, He is certainly coming and we must always be ready ( Matt.25:46; 2Pet.3:9-12; 2Thess.1:8-10 ).  Think for a moment about your life. Where have you been, how have you spent your time on this earth, how often have you wronged God? How many times has God spared your life & given you another chance? How have you redeemed the time that God has so graciously given you? Let that thought sink in, let it sober you... Thank God for His mercy toward you, friend. Today is one more of t...

Leaven of the Pharisees

We were talking in bible class recently about the life of Christ, in His Galilean ministry, and how the Pharisees were so foolish. The foolish thing was that they were scholars, teachers of the law, and they missed it. They knew the prophecies of the Messiah, but they were blind to Him being right in front of them. Their pride and hard-headedness kept them from seeing the fulfillment of those very  prophecies before their eyes... Friends, while we are right to call attention to their foolishness and condemn their pride & stubbornness, do we consider ourselves? Do we ask ourselves if we, too, are being just as foolish as they? They knew the law, they knew the prophecies, they knew the promises, they knew God would bring it to pass. Is this any different than us today? We have something they didn't and that is God's complete, revealed word for all time. But because we have the complete revealed word of God before us and they didn't does not in any way excuse their behavi...

Rainy Day

Rainy day here in Florida this morning. It's cloudy, drizzly, dreary, & no sun. But, sometimes there must be clouds and rain before there is sun, this is the natural order of things. Without the balance of one we could not fully appreciate the other.  And, friends, such is life.  You may be having a particularly dreary and dreadful day today, or it could be a bright and sunny day full of goodnes s. You may be having a cold, dark, in the doldrums kind of day; or it could be a refreshing and beautifully warm day. While we cannot choose the weather, we can certainly choose our moods; and while we may justifiably be in difficult moods due to the happenings of life, we still have a choice of how we will deal with those times whether "good" or "bad". We ALWAYS have a choice, friends. So, no matter what kind of a day it is for you, choose to approach it with the Lord and rely on Him, trust Him, pray to Him. Remember, today is temporary and whatever you're ...