Your Speech Betrays You
We are citizens of a kingdom not of this earth, a kingdom that is everlasting, if we are truly Christians (2 Pet.1:10-12). While upon this earth we are indeed pilgrims and sojourners on our way home (1 Pet.2:11). As we journey, let us consider the following: While Peter was warming his hands outside the courtyard while Jesus was being accused, a servant said to him, "No, but you are one of His disciples! Your speech betrays you!" At this Peter cursed and denied Christ (Mt.26:72-74). His speech betrayed him because he was from the region of Galilee and his dialect/accent was evident of such. Seeing that they noted him for his identifying language of a certain region, he then changed his manner of speech to cursing as if an attempt to further prove his point that he was surely not one of His disciples. It is no secret that we are products of our environment; as products of our environment one of those things we carry with us is our accents and manner of speech. Our acc...