
Have you figured out your purpose in life?
Do you want to know what it is?

Here it is: Serve God (Eccl.12:13-14)

Yes, it actually is that simple. The purpose for everyone's life throughout all of time has been, and still is, completely the same.

However, our roles in this life are what makes our journey different while pursuing the same goal - this meaning that we are all faced with different challenges by the circumstances of life, combination of our choices, and various places we find ourselves. But the way we are to go about this life, no matter our role, is by using the same "rule book" and by depending upon God through it all. 

We all have different roles in this life, that is no secret. The roles we have are, in some cases, continuously changing as we age and go through life; on the other hand, some of our roles never change, we just grow and mature in them. In every area of life, the role we serve as God's servant matters. 

·        Perhaps, at this point of your life, you are serving as an example to others of how a Christian suffers for righteousness' sake. 

·        It could be that your life right now is serving as an example to the world of how a Christian handles life's matters, such as struggling financially, the death of a loved one, the loss of material goods, job loss, raising godly children, etc. 

·        It could be that your life right now is serving as a testament to others that God can do great things with what the world views as very little or lacking in strength/power. 

·        It could be that you, in your old age, are serving as an example of how to age gracefully, combat satan even when your years are advanced, never to give up, how to faithfully serve God when it "seems" no one else is, how to teach the younger, how even the older never stop growing spiritually, and how to faithfully serve God until death. 

·        It could be that you, in your young(ish) age, are serving as an example of how to fight against the temptations of youth, how to stand for what is right no matter who stands with you, how to value the things that really matter in this life (serving God and storing up treasures in heaven), how to make wise choices by using God's word, and how to stand on your own and grow in your faith (1Tim.4:12). 

This list could go on and on, but the point is made: we each have our role.

We admire men who are unchanging; men who arrive to a point in their life where they are unwavering, settled, and firm in their beliefs. We admire men who are steadfast and will not depart from their principles. Why do you think that is? Could it be because it is so unusual, in this world of ours, that a man excels and does what God asks of Him, that a man demonstrates just a taste of the nature that our eternal God epitomizes, that nature which we're each called to excel in (Gal.5:22-24; 1Cor.13)? We lift up men like this for the quality they possess that defines them as men, and isn't it interesting that when they do this in matters of righteousness we are inspired by their example and strive to be like them (1Cor.11:1)? Isn't it interesting to note that even those who are evil respect these types of men - even if they don't agree with them - because they possess this enviable quality? However, the world, at times, will attempt to tear men like this down, cut them down to size, so they can glory in their fall and demise - didn't they try to do this to Jesus? Yet, even at their best, man can only kill the body, there is not a man alive who can kill your soul. Why? Because what we do is a personal choice; we may lose our life, but we still control what we do with our soul - whether we're righteous or unrighteous before God (Lk.12:4-5). 

Isn't it a blessing that we serve a God who gives us the tools to live righteously (Rom.1:16; 2Tim.3:16-17; 2Pet.1:3; Jude 3)? Who gave us His Son as our perfect example of how to live, how to die, how to rise again? Didn't we follow that same process when we became Christians, through baptism (2Pet.3:21; Rom.6:3-4; Col.3)? Through Christ we have the complete blueprint of how to go through this life faithfully, determined, settled and firm in our beliefs, how to be steadfast and solid in our principles in spite of what the world does/says. God provides us the ability, and blessing, to serve Him no matter what role we have in this life, no matter where we find ourselves, no matter our age or earthly status. He provides us with the tools to live with the singular purpose of serving Him all our days that carries with it a reward in heaven in the end.

Friend, if you're not serving God faithfully then what are you doing? God has given us everything, how will we fulfill the role of servant that we're given the privilege to serve while in this life? How will you return the precious soul that God gave you - yes, the very soul His Son died for? What sort of person will you be today, what will the world see through your actions/words? People are either following you to heaven or hell - through your influence/example/words/actions - which road are you taking and leading others toward?

Today, like every day, you have a choice to make. Will you rise to the occasion and do what you're purposed for? Will you be a true, steadfast, unmovable servant of God today (1Cor.15:58)? Each action, each thought, each word spoken by you today determines your eternal home...how will you choose to live this day (Lk.17:6-10)? 

Thanks for dropping in.


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