
Memories can be wonderful things, but they can also be painful to recall. If we use our memories productively then they can be our teacher and will work to move us forward with life (Phil.3:12-14). One of the beauties of our memories is that we can look back at all we've done, and then thank God that we're even able to enjoy the blessings of today because of His longsuffering and mercy toward us. We are here today because God has spared us and has not yet returned to judge the world; but rest assured, He is certainly coming and we must always be ready (Matt.25:46; 2Pet.3:9-12; 2Thess.1:8-10). 

Think for a moment about your life. Where have you been, how have you spent your time on this earth, how often have you wronged God? How many times has God spared your life & given you another chance? How have you redeemed the time that God has so graciously given you? Let that thought sink in, let it sober you...

Thank God for His mercy toward you, friend. Today is one more of those chances, another chance to do what you know you should, what will you do with it? Will you squander this chance, this opportunity, to live righteously before God; or, will you bring glory to God through serving Him with your whole heart? 

What will the world see today through your actions? Will your life today be a cause for others to blaspheme God, or will your life be a cause for others to want to know more about the magnificent God that you serve because you're not like everyone else? 

What is there that is different about your life than the world about you...are you any different? We had better be, friend, because we follow Christ, we wear His name, and the world KNEW He was different. Does the world KNOW you're different (different in the sense that Christ was different, in whom was no evil)?

Our sins put our Savior on that cross & put Him to death. WE are the ones, through our sins, who figuratively spat on Him; WE are the ones who drove the nails through His hands & feet; WE are the ones who mocked Him, beat Him, falsely accused Him; WE are the ones who cried out, "Let His blood be upon us and on our children!"; WE are the ones who shouted, "Crucify! Crucify!"...WE are the ones.

This is not said to shame us into inaction & bring us so low as not to do anything so that we give up. No, friend. This is a call to action! This is said to call to our minds what OUR sins cost, the price that was paid to free us from the bondage of sin, the blessed hope we now have because Christ willingly gave Himself upon that cross so that you and I can have life eternal. 

Considering all of these things; how crazy are we to throw it all away simply because we want to do what we want? Friends, serving God is a choice and we make it every moment we're alive. Knowing all we've done to God, knowing how often He has forgiven us, knowing how many times He has given us another chance...knowing all of this, will we live today differently than we have before? Will we remember all we have come through and how God has sustained our lives until now? Will we thank God for every moment, live our lives in constant remembrance of His Son, our Savior, and the price that was paid for our redemption? Will we cease our sinning and finally start living like we know we should, like our Savior did for us? Will we give God everything that we have and are; He has certainly done so for us?

We can't change what we've done before this moment. We can repent if we've been wrong, but the past is over and we can't go back. What remains is what we will choose to do with the time we have right now, with the time we have left. Friends we have a choice to make right now, and that is: 

What will you and I do with today?

Thanks for dropping in.


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