
Showing posts from May, 2014


Vessels Psalm 23; John 4; 2Timothy 2:20-26; Revelation 21:6-8; 22:17 What is the purpose of a cup if not to be a delivery method for the contents within? The cup is not the contents, but the contents are what fill it inside. What are we as Christians if not vessels which deliver the living water of Jesus Christ? What is our duty if not to be filled to the brim with the contents of Jesus Christ within? If you try to fill a cup with more fluid when it is full, you cause it to spill. Just so, when we as Christians attempt to put something which does not belong in our cup (our hearts) then we spill the precious contents within. We also taint what is already there, we poison the water. Only God can cleanse what is there, only He can refill our cup. As vessels of God, we must look to Him to fill our cup, for that is the only way in which we will truly be filled, and His water is everlasting. We carry this living water to all those lost in sin and help to build up those others who are ou...

Such A Time As This

For Such A Time As This Esther 4:14 NKJV  "For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” When we choose to keep silent, when we choose to cease being the vessel for doing God's work, then we do a great injustice to ourselves and those to whom the gospel must reach. Will God save His own? Always. Will it be by our hand or our mouth that the word of salvation will come ( Is.55:11 )? Well, that's the question now isn't it... Who knows whether we have come to this place in our lives for such a time as this? How will you and I respond today to the challenges we have yet to face? Let's make the determination now that whatever may arise today, we will go through it with God. We'll walk through the fire; we'll face that army of evil against us; we'll refuse to be si...

Tribute to Mother

When man was created, God gave him a help meet comparable to him. She was his companion who completed the unit of mankind, the crowning jewel of Creation. Together they served God, one another, raised a family, and populated this earth with children who would continue some day in their footsteps. Some 38+ years ago, my father found his help meet, my mother. Together they had a family whom they raised to love the Lord first, and each other second. My mother, while serving her role as wife and mother in the home, was a vital part in my raising. I remember the countless times Mom was there to give me comfort when I would inevitably get hurt. She was always there to give me encouragement as well as "tough love" when necessary. I always knew where I stood with Mom. Throughout my life I have forever dreaded the heart-wrenching moment if/when I did something to bring disappointment or heartache her way. Though those moments have come and gone, I'll never forget her tender hear...