Vessels Psalm 23; John 4; 2Timothy 2:20-26; Revelation 21:6-8; 22:17 What is the purpose of a cup if not to be a delivery method for the contents within? The cup is not the contents, but the contents are what fill it inside. What are we as Christians if not vessels which deliver the living water of Jesus Christ? What is our duty if not to be filled to the brim with the contents of Jesus Christ within? If you try to fill a cup with more fluid when it is full, you cause it to spill. Just so, when we as Christians attempt to put something which does not belong in our cup (our hearts) then we spill the precious contents within. We also taint what is already there, we poison the water. Only God can cleanse what is there, only He can refill our cup. As vessels of God, we must look to Him to fill our cup, for that is the only way in which we will truly be filled, and His water is everlasting. We carry this living water to all those lost in sin and help to build up those others who are ou...