Such A Time As This

For Such A Time As This

Esther 4:14 NKJV "For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?”
When we choose to keep silent, when we choose to cease being the vessel for doing God's work, then we do a great injustice to ourselves and those to whom the gospel must reach. Will God save His own? Always. Will it be by our hand or our mouth that the word of salvation will come (Is.55:11)? Well, that's the question now isn't it...

Who knows whether we have come to this place in our lives for such a time as this? How will you and I respond today to the challenges we have yet to face? Let's make the determination now that whatever may arise today, we will go through it with God. We'll walk through the fire; we'll face that army of evil against us; we'll refuse to be silenced for speaking truth and spreading the gospel; we'll stand boldly and look that lurking lion called satan right in the eye and we will take him down (1Pet.5:8-9); we will without a doubt win today because we choose to follow God and with Him we will always win the battle.

Be bold. Do not fear man, nor his devices. The only One we fear is God, and He's on our side (Lk.12:4-5). We're soldiers, so let's conduct ourselves like men and take courage to fight our battles today valiantly, boldly, and with the confidence that we will overcome whatever is attempting to stand between us and our homeland, heaven (1Sam.4:9). Arise to the challenges of today and refuse to take the easy way out (1Cor.10:12-13).

Read over Psalm 27 and take courage and confidence, like David, to face whatever may come. Let us have the faith in God as we should, for His word will be accomplished - but it's our choice whether it will be by our hand as His faithful child, or not. Let it be you and I who do the commands of God today. The world will surely burn and the works therein, may none of us burn with it (2Pet.3). Strive for the narrow way today and let's go home to our Father in heaven (Matt.7:13-14).


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