Tribute to Mother

When man was created, God gave him a help meet comparable to him. She was his companion who completed the unit of mankind, the crowning jewel of Creation. Together they served God, one another, raised a family, and populated this earth with children who would continue some day in their footsteps.

Some 38+ years ago, my father found his help meet, my mother. Together they had a family whom they raised to love the Lord first, and each other second. My mother, while serving her role as wife and mother in the home, was a vital part in my raising. I remember the countless times Mom was there to give me comfort when I would inevitably get hurt. She was always there to give me encouragement as well as "tough love" when necessary. I always knew where I stood with Mom.

Throughout my life I have forever dreaded the heart-wrenching moment if/when I did something to bring disappointment or heartache her way. Though those moments have come and gone, I'll never forget her tender heart & demonstration of true Christianity when I humbly repented and asked for forgiveness. Mom has always been there to help heal & comfort my physical falls as well as my spiritual collapses.

Mom provided me with the wonderful example of what a woman, a lady, is supposed to be. Thanks to my mother's fine example, I was able to recognize a true lady when I met her and finally found my crowning jewel, my help meet. I found my wife, a Proverbs 31 woman like my mother, due in large part to my mother instilling in me - whether by example or word - to never settle, don't give up, be patient, trust God, and always please God first; doing this will attract the right type of woman - like usual, Mom was right :-)

My mother's legacy lives through me and, if the Lord wills, one day my children will be fortunate enough to know this tremendous lady. I'm excited at the prospect of my future children meeting and getting to know their Grandma. I'm so blessed to have a godly mother like mine. I'm a truly blessed man, son, and brother in Christ to have my mother in my life.

"Her children rise up and call her blessed..." Proverbs 31:28

Love you Mom.


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