For Eternity

For Eternity

Consider that your conduct today may be the very thing you think about, for eternity.

Consider that if you are unrepentant of your sins, and either the Lord returns or your life ends, you will be lost for eternity. Based off the discussion the rich man has while in torment in the text, this is what I infer (Luke 16:19-31):

Your thoughts there will be of your sin. You will have knowledge of where you are. You will know there is no crossing over. You will know that you are unrighteous. You will know you are eternally separated from God.

Hence the following, according to your sin: you'll acknowledge your foolish actions and rebellion to God, but won't be able to do anything about it; you are forever reaping the consequences of your actions, the result being your separation from God for eternity; the realization that there is no relief and you cannot repent and be saved once there (hence the weeping & gnashing of teeth - Mk.9); all those missed opportunities; all the sins you committed; those whom you had opportunity to speak with about your challenges but refused; those studies you missed or the bible study you neglected; that one area of your life - or many areas - that you left unchecked and unresolved; your stubborn refusal to heed God's word ...consider all this, plus: weeping/wailing, gnashing of teeth, where the worm dies not, total darkness, lake of fire & brimstone, eternal burning but never consumed, where the fire is never quenched - for eternity.

Think now about your soul! 
Do something now about the sin and weaknesses in your life! 
Friend, right now, while you still have breath within you, correct the sin! 
Think of where you want to spend eternity, then do whatever it takes to get there.

For a short explanation of "whatever it takes to get there" means, here is what we need to do:

be obedient daily; be truly penitent; do all that God says through His word, daily; live a life truly walking in the footsteps of Jesus Christ. Do this and you'll be assured a place where people just like you - as reflections of Christ - abound.

do nothing; do everything you want to do; do everything right except for a favorite sin or two for yourself to indulge in; seek to justify your sins, and those of others, rather than submit to God's word; put on a good show; seek your own happiness and fulfillment; make everything about you; just be a "good person" by the world's standards; reject wisdom and warnings; attack people who try to help you correct your life; be complacent; stop seeking ways to grow spiritually; reject sound teaching and preaching in favor of ear-tickling pep-talks; just do what YOU think is right (don't worry about having authority for what you do); argue with God, His word, and those who seek to proclaim it rather than submit to it. 

Just do any, or all, of this and you'll be admitted to the place where people just like you will abound.

Do you want to spend eternity around the throne of God, worshiping and praising Him, with all the saved of all time and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ? 
Or, do you want to spend eternity with the condemned for all time?

Let's all think seriously about everything we do, say, and think this day; for God will surely hold us accountable for it all (Heb.4:11-13; Eccl.12:13-14). Consider your life, as I consider my own, and let's all do whatever it takes to make it home to our Father in Heaven. Friends, let none of us be lost and let's work toward that goal in every moment that passes this day. Get right with God, if you're not already, and stay right with Him until we meet Him in the hereafter (Ac.2:38; 1 Pet.3:21; Ac.8; 2 Pet.3:9-12; 1 Cor.15:58).


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