Master of Disguise

Master of Disguise

You're going to face satan today (and every day hereafter), are you ready (1Cor.10:12-13)? Beware that he disguises himself and takes on many forms, a master of lies and disguise he is (2Cor.11:14). Let's look at a few and take note of his tactics and intentions.

There's a serpent awaiting you, anxious to deceive, waiting to slither into your life, awaiting the proper time to strike and sink his venomous fangs into your body. He wants to take you down, fill you with his poison that is sin, and watch you die. He'll not be satisfied with one strike, he'll repeatedly sink his fangs into you, striking over and over and over, always seeking to keep you paralyzed and in his grasp. Are you aware of him, are you ready to face him, are you watching out for his cunning ways? Notice that he hasn't changed from the beginning (Gen.3; Matt.4).

There's a lion lurking about, ready and willing to pounce and devour you; are your eyes open, are you being watchful (1Pet.5:8-9)? Or, are you and I as the lazy fool who exclaims "There's a lion in the street!" and then does nothing to remove himself from the danger (Prov.22:13; 26:13)? The territorial lion roars, he seeks to intimidate and freeze us so he can attack and devour us because we've wandered into his territory and for that we will surely pay with our lives. Are you mindful of where your feet are going, are you aware of the boundaries God has set to keep you safe from harm; are you abiding in them? The lion lurks about, outside those safe boundaries, and he will certainly tear us limb from limb if we stray from God. Watch your every step today and avoid the roaring lion waiting, lurking, hunting, ready to ferociously rip your life and soul to bloody shreds.

There's a wolf wandering about in sheep's clothing; are you aware of the danger that sometimes people and things are not as they appear (Matt.7:15; 10:16,34-35)? Are you using the wisdom of God to tell the difference, or are you settling for man's wisdom? When it comes to seeing the wolf in sheep's clothing - looking to devour you, your children, your spouse, your loved ones, etc. - are you really satisfied with the suppositions of man, or wouldn't you rather have the certainty and exactness that is from God (Ac.20:29-31; Rom.16:17-20)? Beware of the tactics of those wolves, the agents of satan, who seek to pick off the sheep from the fold of God.

There's a father looking to adopt more into his family, with the intent of killing them (Jn.8:42-45). He looks to abort living beings in the most evil of ways, keeping them in reserve until they can be eternally condemned by God when their life on earth ends. His goal is not to preserve and give life, it's to take and destroy life. He seeks to rip these children from their Father, who gives life, and lure them away with empty promises and temporary pleasures, tearing their lives apart in the process, snatching them away once they leave the safety of their Father's house. He wants to butcher every one of us, and he will, if we leave God's protection. Are you being watchful and striving to keep yourself, and others, from this menacing foe, this father of lies, this hateful and abusive fraud (Eph.5)?

There's a fierce army encamped against you, just waiting to take you down; are you arrayed in your armor and are you standing faithfully with the unbeaten eternal champion, God Almighty (Eph.6:10-17)? This army of the dead, those who have killed themselves with sin (which is death) are the army of destruction and terror looking to kill you. They are continually in hot pursuit, searching you out in order win you to their losing side, thereby making you a traitor to the Lord, a deserter, an enemy of Almighty God. We know that the penalty for being an enemy of God is eternal death (Matt.12:30; Heb.10:26-31), and that's exactly what this sinful army want to be your fate. While this army seeks to kill you, capture you, convert you to their evil cause, don't give in. God and you can alone defeat this vast army arrayed against you. Stand and fight! Fight with all your might, depend on your Savior, the Champion, the Almighty God. See how He has defeated anyone who has stood against Him throughout time! With Him we shall overcome and with Him we shall slay the enemy, we'll force them to retreat (perhaps even winning some of them to God's army in the process through the power of His word and the working of it in our lives)! Do this, and we shall certainly win this battle today and be one step closer to winning the war of our lifetime (Ps.27; Ps.46)!

Stand your ground. Be strong and courageous. Don't leave your post. Face that serpent, that lion, that wolf in sheep's clothing, that terrifying butcher and father of lies, that evil army encamped against you. See through the disguise of satan and his servants. Fight with everything you have and stand firmly with God, for He will surely deliver you (1Sam.17:34-37); Every.Single.Time!


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