

(Psalm 1)

How much does the dumbbell in the middle of the picture weigh? How do we know? About the only way to identify the weight without a label assigned to it is by deduction. We look at the weights around it, notice their label, and we can assume that the one in question is one like those. We would, correctly, assume that the weight in the middle is the same as the one next to it. Why? Because next to it is one with an identifying mark that resembles the weight in question. However, the best way to identify this weight is to compare it to a standard; pick up the weight on either side of it and compare with the one in question. Seems simple enough in this context, doesn't it? 

Let's turn the analogy to ourselves spiritually and consider the similarities. 

What do people see when they look at us? What sort of people do we surround ourselves with? What identifying characteristics do we have? Are the differences clearly delineated? Are we Christ's or satan's? What standard are we using to compare ourselves? What unit of measurement are we using to identify ourselves; the world's or God's? 

Just simply "acting" different than the world isn't enough. Yes, you read that right. We can "act" and put on a good show; we can appear to be anything we wish. Simply "acting" different is not enough, we have to truly BE different (Matt.15:8; Is.29:13; Mal.1:6-14). The world can spot a fake from a mile away. We can go and live a life as a chameleon, adapting our behavior and appearance to whatever environment we're in, but friends that's no way to live; living a life of sin is one that, before long, you can't stand to look yourself in the mirror because you know the truth, and you know you're not measuring up. There is no redeeming quality to that life. It's dark, it's lonely, it's destructive, and it only leads to death. So, knowing this, why do so many try to do it?

The very best life we can live is that of a faithful servant of God; what the world offers is the kind of life where you have nothing truly setting you apart that makes any real difference. Living in the ways of the world, your life has no value because your life is only about the carnal, the temporal, that which won't last. Yeah, that's harsh. But when we compare the life Christ offers, the promises God gives to His children, and the blessings only found and only available to God's there really anything else that could compare if we're truly being honest? When we choose a life lived in the light of Christ, eternal life over temporary notariety and acceptance among people who are dead inside spiritually, is it really a contest? 

What are most people seeking in their lives? They want to be noticed, acknowledged, validated (what do a good majority of people use Facebook for?); they want to be recognized for something important; they want to contribute to something greater than themselves; they want to have and keep the love of their family and peers; they want more (whether money, possessions, love, affection, attention, peace, conflict, more drink/drug/high, or even some other vice or twisted perversion of worldly vices), more for the reason that what they have is never enough. Our appetites are insatiable as humans, aren't they? We need something to fill the void within us, but what so many fail to see is that the appetite we're constantly trying to satiate is only filled by the Eternal, by the ways of God, by the Bread of Life - Jesus Christ.

Back to the picture. What identifying characteristics do we possess so the world knows we belong to Christ? What standard are we using to accurately label ourselves? The picture here could be interpreted a few ways. 

One, we are the weight without a label, without identity, one that is identified by who we are surrounded by, one who calls ourself after Christ but whose conduct doesn't coincide with the label we're claiming (1Cor.15:33). We're like the world because we're not truly following Christ, thus Christ has no part with us (He has no fellowship with darkness) because we are not following Him; thus, we make ourselves enemies of Christ. 

Two, we are the weights clearly defined, among the faithful, and the one in our midst without the label of Christ's is one we're having influence over, shining our light among, one whom we are helping to see the truth and become identified as Christ's along with us. 

I was going to name a third scenario but then realized that if we are Christians, truly, then we are clearly labeled as such by God, the world, our surroundings. We can't be God's covertly, can't somehow be a secret-Christian, can't hide our light and say we're reflecting Christ - it just can't be (Matt.5:13-16). 

So it really is that simple. Either we're trying to blend in with the world, or we're living boldly and faithfully before God and the world as Christians. 

No in-between. 

No middle-ground. 

No grey-areas. 

We're either His, and labeled as such by Him, or we're the world's (Matt.6:24; Matt.12:30; Jms.4:7-8;  Josh.24:15). 

Which are you?


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