Haunting Thoughts

Haunting Thoughts

Have you ever committed sins - which you have long ago repented of - which creep back into your thoughts on occasion with little to no warning? Does the memory of those sins bring you low, cause you to over and over again feel remorse (and/or anger at yourself) and pull you off course? The fact is, we have memories and we often can't control when our minds may be triggered by some external occurrence and those memories come flooding back as if the matter just happened. Our choice is what we do with those things when they do re-enter our minds.
Fight? Find a solution? Be overcome?

Consider with me a character who had these struggles himself - Saul of Tarsus, who later became Paul the Apostle.

* Read Philippians 3-4 and focus on his words and experience
* Consider who Paul formerly was - read Acts 7:57-8:3; 9:1-3
* Consider Paul's practice - read 1 Corinthians 9:19-27
* Consider Paul's actions, and concern, for the gospel and his brethren - read 2 Corinthians 11

Paul speaks as one with experience in the very things we are considering here. Paul spent his time serving God and he let go of those things behind him. He used what was in his past to push him in the present to never be that person again, and he thanked God daily for the blessing of being able to serve, and suffer for, Him.

Consider these action-steps which may help us during these times where our memories tempt us to be drawn off course:

1) Pray. Pray for strength of mind, for mercy, for time to refocus your mind on what's right, for opportunity to find a solution, for relief of your mind, for peace, ask Him to calm your spirit, thank Him for loving and forgiving you, thank him for the opportunity to hear Him through His word.

2) Read. Focus your mind on scripture (Phil.4:4-8). Memorize passages that will help you re-focus on being who you need to be now. You've been forgiven if you've truly repented of the error and asked God for forgiveness. You're not that person anymore, so don't revisit the mindset that person had - rather, get your mind focused on having the mind of Christ and read God's word. How can remembering this instance in your life right now help you become a better Christian, spouse, parent, friend, worker? What does God's word say?

3) Solve. Be solutions-focused and driven. Consider that you cannot take back what you've done, but you can help others avoid the pitfalls and navigate away from the path of sin you followed. Develop action steps, using God's word to formulate the solution, and let those steps help you focus your energies on being productive rather than overcome.

4) Mobilize. Don't be inactive, rather choose to find something to do with your time, energy, body, and mind. Re-focus and re-center your thoughts and actions. We can be pulled so far off course by such times as this, don't let that happen. Remember that you're in control here, tell satan to hit the road. You've already prayed, read/meditated on God's word, come up with a way to solve this issue in front of you - now get busy implementing the plan and using what you know to be right.

5) Pray. Thank God for allowing you to approach Him in prayer, for His word, for His guidance through His word, for who He is, for His forgiveness, for His eternal plan, for blessing you with more time, for allowing you the opportunity to learn and move on from the dreadful thoughts of past sin, thank Him for the solutions in His word, thank Him for the life you have now and the chance to help others avoid sin, thank Him for delivering you from satan. Thank and praise God! Ask Him for strength, wisdom, patience, and guidance to do His will.

6) Serve. Get busy about the work God has given you to do and the time to do it. Show your thanks to God by being His faithful servant (Gal.6:7-10).

Stay on that narrow road to heaven and watch out for satan (Matt.7:13-14; 1Pet.5:8). Many of us suffer the same conflicts (1Pet.5:9). Overcome those memories, friend, you can do this. I suffer in this regard too, you're not alone. Charge forward and slay the beast that wags its ugly head of sin, with the sword of the Lord. Let's overcome the evil one together in spirit through the Word of God. Let's defeat satan and let's go home to our Father in heaven! We can do this, let's get busy! Heaven awaits. Fight!


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