My Shepherd

My Shepherd

"The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want." (Ps.23:1)

My voice is that of a bleating sheep calling out for its Shepherd to lead it through the pasture of life toward its eternal home. My steps are ordered only so far as the Shepherd leads and beyond the light of His presence is an all-consuming darkness. Wolves are lurking about seeking to lead me astray and devour me. Wolves dress themselves among the sheep and seek to take away my brethren, to spill their blood all over the countryside. At times I find myself drawn away, lured to the depths of sin and death, but thanks be to God that I may return and to His fold I can be restored alongside my Savior, my Shepherd. 

I am filled with an overwhelming love for my Shepherd and His sheep and I am filled to the brim with anger and hatred for the way of the wicked, the trickery and lust which seeks to lead so many to the pit. So many sheep lie just outside the light of the Shepherd, their blood spilt as they lay dying, laboriously gasping for every breath, yet they seem satisfied to stay slain. My heart aches for the sheep who have left the fold and for those who follow their bloody footsteps and wander toward the allurement of the deathly shadows. The Shepherd calls out, but they ignore Him; He seeks to draw them back with His staff, but they shrug off His guidance. Their fellow-sheep cry out for them to return, but they reject their calls and refuse to heed their repeated warnings - warnings first spoken by the Shepherd, and repeated by His sheep. The wolves lure away so many, so many are slain, and so many lie unconscious - seemingly oblivious to the fact that the wicked feast on their souls. The allurement of the darkness calls out while the wolves salivate at the opportunity to take down yet another sheep, but His fold shall not turn their attention away from their Shepherd.

Where do we find ourselves this day? Is the Lord, truly, our Shepherd? Dwell in His pasture and do not be led astray. So many are dying, don't you be one of them. Hear the voice of the Shepherd and run to Him - if you find yourself outside the fold, run to Him and never look back.

"The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not want."

May it be so with us all.


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