Not Return To Me Void

“For as the rain comes down, and the snow from heaven, And do not return there, But water the earth, And make it bring forth and bud, That it may give seed to the sower And bread to the eater, So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to Me void, But it shall accomplish what I please, And it shall prosper in  the  thing for which I sent it." - Isaiah 55:10-11 NKJV

Do we live in such a way that we demonstrate our belief and trust in this verse? Or are we like obstinate children in the sight of our God, hopelessly trying to come up with "better" ways to serve Him which He has not authorized? Do we truly believe that His word will be prosperous; do we show our belief in how we carry out our role in spreading His word; are we truly sowing the seed He has given?

God's holy will, and His word, shall be done; whether by our hand or not, it shall be done...the question for you and me is if we will be a help or a hindrance? If we are His servants, His vessels for carrying out His word, we shall be accepted by Him and welcomed home. If we are a hindrance - which, if we're not with Him we're against Him (Matt.12:30) - we shall surely be cast out of His sight forever. Whatever is not bearing fruit will but cut away and cast into the fire to be burned up (lost eternally).

His servants will bear fruit unto Him, they will be prosperous, for that is what He has sent them to do by His word; God's servants will not return to Him void because they are such by obeying Him through that word which He sent. If we're obeying God's word then we will "accomplish He pleases" and we will "prosper in the thing for which [He] sent"; we cannot presume to call ourselves Christians and think we're doing enough. We must follow-through and do the works of a Christian, be obedient unto our Father and Master, and walk in the footsteps of our Savior Jesus Christ. 

So what about you and me today? Will we accomplish what the Lord pleases; will we prosper in the things for which He sent us to do as His servants? Or will we - by refusing Him, His will, and His word - return to Him void by our sinful ways? Will we refuse our Lord, thereby assuring our own demise, destruction, separation from Him for eternity?

What shall we do with this day? We can be assured that God's word, His will, shall go forth and it shall accomplish what He sent it to do; can we promise God that we will truly will be His vessels in carrying forth that word? Indeed, this is surely a life or death decision. Which will it be today?


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