Tired of Running

Tired of Running 

(Matthew 4; 1 Peter 5:8-9; James 4:7-10

Do you ever get tired of running? Get tired of being pursued? Running so hard only to tire out, slow down, and be overtaken time and again by satan and his followers? Are you tired yet? I am. I'm exhausted. 

I'm weary of satan's relentless pursuit, his chasing me, catching me, then devouring me. It's time he be the one on the run. It's time to devour him, time to make him and his followers run. Time to stand my ground. Time to take my stand with God and utilize the tools He has given me (Eph.6:10-17). I am arrayed for battle, I'm ready to fight, I'm ready for war. It is now time to fight, and win decisively, against the devil. Time to beat him over and over and over, beat him and his ways to death. Time to slay him, daily. Time to stop running, turn around, face this fierce lion and reject him. Refuse to be kept down to become carrion and the stinking decaying flesh he so desires us to be, encumbered with the load of sin. 

No more, satan. You, you snake, you coward, you disgusting eater of the dead, you murderer, you ruthless devourer of souls, you liar and cheater, you evil and sinister foe. You run. I'm a soldier of God and I will show no mercy to you. I will handily defeat you because my God is the Almighty Lord of Heaven. I will be aware of my surroundings you lurking lion, you wolf in sheep's clothing, you slithering snake! My eyes are open and I am weary of your attempts and your pursuits. I am awakened. I am dependent wholly upon God, and all of eternity knows you have never beaten Him, nor shall you. You're going into a battle you cannot win, your attempts to pursue me won't work this day, for I no longer will run only to be overtaken; no, now it's your turn. 

So, tuck tail, you coward, and run from God; with the Lord I stand firm, I am on the His side. Now I pursue you, to the ends of the earth that is my life, to chase you out of my life. I will now seek you out, call you out, leave no stone unturned, no dark corner unlit. The light of my Savior shines, and it's brighter than the sun; you can't escape His light, you will be exposed; and, when I find you, I will surely slay you without mercy. This is MY life and you will not take it; my life has been committed to my Savior and so I am spoken for, you cannot steal me away with your emptiness and endless lies. You have been exposed, you can no longer hide...though I know you'll try. 

Guess what, satan, I'm studying God's word. I'm observing your tactics against man, I'm learning and loving God's ways and His laws; the more I learn of God and His ways, the closer I draw to Him and the more I hate you and your ways. I'm seeing clearer than ever the boundaries that God has set up to keep me alive and in His watchful care; His light in my life has exposed you lurking in the darkness about. With Him I can see clearly; with Him is life abundant; with Him is true happiness, peace, joy, hope, liberty, and blessings everlasting. You, satan, offer none of these things. With the Lord is life eternal and promises that are faithful and true. Satan, you cannot compete, though you may try with your fruitless deceptions. You cannot compete with what the Almighty Creator and Sustainer of all has given to man. 

Will I run? Yes. But when I run, it will be to my Lord. The Lord will protect me, every single time. I will draw nearer to Him, and so you shall flee from me. Do I say this as one who is overconfident? No, for I know my weaknesses and failings as a man. I know that when I stand alone - face satan on my own merits or fight him with man's wisdom - I will surely fail, fall, and be consumed by satan, every time; however, when I stand with the Lord and combat satan the Lord's way, He and I shall be victorious - every single time (1Cor.10:12-13)! I know it, I believe it, and so now I must live it.

What about you, friend? Are you ready for a war?! Have you strapped on the armor of God (Eph.6:10-17)?Will you stand with God? Or will you fall to the enemy, time and again, and be consumed? Rise up, Christians,  and let's unite with the Lord so we can stand shoulder to shoulder with one another and take the battle to the enemy! It's time to fight. Drive satan from your life each and every moment of this blessed day God has given.


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