

I didn't appreciate my legs until I met a man who had none. I didn't appreciate my ability to walk until I met someone who couldn't.

I didn't appreciate my ability to see until I met a blind man.

I didn't appreciate my ability to hear until I met someone who couldn't.

I didn't appreciate my lungs and ability to breathe on my own until I met someone who lost their ability to breathe without a machine.

I didn't appreciate my healthy heart until I met people whose hearts were failing.

I didn't realize I couldnt walk, my own lameness, until i finally let Jesus carry me; until He restored my legs, taught me to number my steps, and showed me how to walk properly.

I didn't realize my blindness, until God opened my eyes through His holy Word; not until Jesus restored my sight, gave me new eyes to see, and illuminated my path and life.

I didn't realize my deafness until God's word was spoken, not until Jesus Christ healed and tuned my ears to hear only Him and the words of God through His word.

I didn't realize my inability to breathe, my soul's gasping for air, until God's word gave me life; not until I made His word my soul's oxygen to permeate my life and live by.

I didn't realize my heart was failing until it was broken by God's word, not until I realized my sins were causing my heart to die, not until I crawled to the Lord in humble obedience and He created in me a new heart. Not until God gave me a heart tuned to do His will through humble obedience to His word.

I was dead in my sin until I finally put that old man in the grave and raised up with Christ in baptism to be transformed; to live and move and have my being in Him and in His ways. I have life, hope, and a home in heaven awaiting as long as I keep in His ways.

What about you, friend? Are your feet lame, your eyes dim, your ears closed, your breath in dying gasps, your heart failing? Only God can give you life and allow you to fully function, will you come to the Great Physician?


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