What About This Man?

What About This Man

"...And when He had spoken this, He said to him, “Follow Me.” Then Peter, turning around, saw the disciple whom Jesus loved following...Peter, seeing him, said to Jesus, “But Lord, what about this man?” Jesus said to him, “If I will that he remain till I come, what is that to you? You follow Me.” John 21:19-22 NKJV

How often do we look around us and ask, "But what about..." rather than obey the Lord? We pose questions to God, which seem reasonable at the time, when what we're really doing is drawing our minds away from what the Lord commanded us to do. The fact of the matter is that the Lord desires of us all the same thing, follow Jesus. We read in God's word how we are to do that, for what we read is the gospel of Christ, yet how many people look to man's wisdom and his words over what the Lord directs? How often does man take the simplicity of God's word and seek to insert something with a "But what about..." somehow thinking the Lord just forgot about that relevant detail. How often does man try to "one-up" God and think of ways to "improve" upon God's simple commands? How many people fall for that trap, time and again, rather than hold fast to His word and truly follow Christ?

We as a people always have a choice in this; we can either look to the Lord, hear through His word the command to "Follow Me" and obey Him as we should, or we can stand around and ask questions while we dismiss the Lord's command.

Regardless of the answer to our host of questions, the Lord's command doesn't change, and it never will. The command is, as this text says,  "Follow Me...You follow Me."

It's so simple yet so powerful.

So what are you going to do about the Lord's command? What will I? Our actions today speak volumes about what our answer to God is. Will we, truly, follow Him? Let's make it our aim today to follow our Lord all the way home to heaven with each and every word, thought, and action this blessed day the Lord has seen fit to give us.


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