Struggles of Life

As is natural in the course of life, we all face difficult circumstances and deal with people and/or situations that are not pleasant. To those going through difficult times right now, take heart that this is the part of life - the struggles - that can help us shine ever brighter for the Lord if we will let it affect us in that way (Jms.1:2-6). 

Pray, lean upon the Lord, reach out to loved ones (spiritual & physical family/friends), don't forget to get back up after life has dealt you a blow, and remember that you're not fighting alone in this life if you're in the Lord's army (Jms.5:16; Prov.3:5-6; Gal.6:2-5; Jms.4:10; 2 Pet.5:6-9; Ps.3:2-4; Ps.86:3-5)

Take a moment to gather yourself; don't let the current struggle freeze you & keep you down. There's much good to be done and the Lord can certainly use you to do some of that good, Elijah learned that lesson rather well when he was going through a rough spot (1 Kgs.18:11-15,18). Life can be difficult, but the reward for remaining faithful to the Lord when this life is over so far outweighs anything we have to endure here (Rom.8:18). Press on friends, we're not home yet.

Thanks for dropping in.


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