Why "Awake At 30"

Being that this is a new blog for me, I figured it best to at least give you some background as to why I've named it "Awake At 30".

There are times in life where you come upon knowledge, an event, or a person that changes your whole life and alters your course forever. At times in my life, I've had those life-altering events and while at the time those things were not favorable, they changed my trajectory for the better and woke me up to what was right. I'm thankful for having been allowed the opportunity to live through so many such events and for God's mercy in preserving my life when I didn't deserve it. Life has its ups and downs, and if we learn the lessons then our lives are that much sweeter for having gone through the difficult times.

Hitting 30 was yet another life-altering event. It was in the months leading up to my 30th birthday that I established a relationship with the woman who would soon become my wife. There are many things that I could say about this - and perhaps that will be for another post - but one thing is for certain, Erin changed my life. She is the part of me that has been lacking my whole life and now, having found her and married her, I realize that only now - in my 30s - I am finally whole as a man (Prov.18:22). While it may sound cliche, my life began when we found each other. Now that we're married, I finally feel as if I'm fully awake to the true beauties of life and, living each day with her by my side, I realize that I'm finally living. I'm alive, I'm awake, the fog that had been my life prior to her has now been lifted. My life began at 30.

So, "Awake At 30" seemed a fitting tribute to my wife and best friend. Now you know.

Thanks for dropping in.


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