A Message To Ladies

"Who can find a virtuous wife? For her worth is far above rubies...Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing, But a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised." ~Proverbs 31:10,30

A message to ladies 

Certainly a man can find just about any woman he’s looking for, there’s plenty out there of all kinds. He can find one who has no shame and proves such by showing off her body; he can find one who is looking for attention any way she can; he can find one who is just “out for a good time”; he can find one who is only interested in material things; he can find one who… you name it.

But when a man goes in search of rubies, a precious stone, then he refuses to just pick up any old rock on the side of the road and he refuses to settle. The man searches diligently until, at last, he finds that one rare beauty worth everything he’s ever put into finding it and more. 

Ladies, the inference in this verse is that being rare is preferred. Being virtuous is a rare thing but the beauty of such a thing is so far above its worth in material goods that it leaves one to marvel. Indeed, a virtuous woman is a rare thing and happy is the soul who finds her and is fortunate enough to have her as his wife.

My question to the ladies: are you striving to be rare? 
What about you and your manner of life: from the clothes you wear, to your humor, associations, conduct, speech, etc. sets you apart from the others? Are you spending your time trying to be just another stone, or are you striving to be that rare gem whose worth is beyond compare? 

Consider verse 30 and question whether it describes you…

Truth be told, there are still God-fearing men that are actually looking for that virtuous wife and refuse to settle for the cheap imitations all around us in this life. Are you the type who would attract such a man (or encourage such a man to be better, if you're already married)? 

Ladies, cast off the world's idea of what's pretty. The world wants to see skin, to think what it shouldn't, to indulge itself, to do everything but see you for the person you are. The world ignores the fact that God made you special for your husband, and no one else has the permission to see you in the manner he is allowed. Don't cheapen what God has created to be pure.

Ladies, please, be special, be that rare gem, be pure, be unique. Don't give the world a peak at what is only intended for the eyes of your spouse. Don't give in to the world & give it the satisfaction of seeing your body as merely a means to lust after; realize that you're so much more than that! Let your dress, your speech, your conduct, your demeanor reflect the beauty God intended.

Respect yourself, respect your husband (or future husband), respect your brothers in Christ, and above all respect God! Don't be an occasion for others to sin by; instead, help men keep their minds right when they look at you (Matt.5:27-29), when they talk to you, when they observe your manner. Be a light in the midst of this dark world. 

When you're left with the choice today of how you will be seen, which will it be: Rare precious stone, or yet another knock-off? 

Thanks for dropping in.


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