Tribute To My Dad
Who do I become as a man? How do you "conduct yourself like a man"? What model do you use to pattern your life, your marriage, your home after? It starts with Dad. Boys look to their fathers for an example. Fathers show their boys what to do and what not to do. Some fathers specialize in everything not to do, how not to be a man, how to throw away one's life - spiritually and physically - in favor of the passing pleasure of sin. Other fathers risk it all, sometimes that meaning their physical relationships, in order to see that the souls of their children are taken care of and right before God. Good fathers look to the spiritual needs of their children and their home above all else. I thank God that my father was of the latter. Does that mean he was faultless, that he didn't make some mistakes along the way? Certainly not, he's a man. But one thing was for sure, and still is, we know where we stand with Dad. If we're in sin, we know we must get it right and h...