Whatever It Takes

Whatever It Takes

There are many in the Bible who fought through their natural human tendencies in order to serve God. They did whatever it took to do as they were instructed by God. Sometimes that meant facing armies, other times that meant facing kings, still others were called upon to face their brethren, their nation, their friends, even themselves. 

Moses moved forward with what God said, but not before he made every effort to get out of it. God heard him, but He still demanded that he carry out His will. We see Moses grow and become a leader, and it's a beautiful sight to behold for in that we see a piece of ourselves.

Paul withstood Peter to the face when he was guilty of sin. How hard that must have been, yet he did whatever it took to save a soul and as a result, he saved others along with him. 

We offer many excuses, many of them good ones we think, but none of them are acceptable to God. Consider what we ask of God when we seek to be excused from our responsibilities as Christians...

"Lord, please excuse me from [name the command] because it's uncomfortable, inconvenient, difficult, etc."

Do we honestly think it was comfortable for Christ to die for our sins?

Do we really think it was convenient for God to offer His only begotten Son, and for Jesus to go to the cross willingly, for us?

Does it make any sense to suppose that Jesus had it easy, that nothing He suffered for us was difficult?

When we convert our actions to their word form, to the conclusion of what we do and what it says to God, then does what we're doing really measure up? The thing is, when we reject God's word we reject the blessing of Christ and salvation. We throw away heaven, and for what (Matt.16:26)? 

Sometimes, like Moses, we need convincing; other times, like Peter, we need rebuking in order that we may come to terms with what we're doing and the fact that God won't accept us like we are. God's word still stands and we are still accountable for our obedience. 

When we're physically sick, don't we do whatever it takes to get better? 

What about when we're spiritually sick?

Will we search out God's word today? Will we do whatever it takes to serve Him as He has required?

Don't let death be the thing that wakes you up, for then it will be too late to change (Lk.16:19-31). 

Let's get it right today, God's given us yet another day, another chance, one more opportunity to serve Him (Heb.3:12-15). Serve Him today, let's stay on the narrow path and let's make it home to our Father (Heb.12:1-2). We can do this, friends.



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