Fighting For The Homeland

Fighting For The Homeland

Ephesians 6:10-17; 1 Peter 5:8-11

There is a war going on. The enemy is cunning and he shows no mercy. This enemy lives to take down every man, woman, and child; sparing no one. He never rests, he never concedes, he never takes it easy, he is relentless. His tactics are brutal, unfair, and evil. This enemy is a shape-shifter, he is a master of disguise who takes on many forms, even of those people and things we love in this life. He is a vicious, powerful, and destructive force who is never to be underestimated or mistaken for an ally. And he has perfect attendance in your congregation, in your home, at every family gathering and recreational event, and he's never late for work. 

Friend, wake up to the battle being waged for your soul. Recognize that while this enemy is fierce, he is also the greatest coward who ever lived. He cannot, has not, and will never be able to stand against the Lord, whose side we are on. He runs when stood against, he recognizes that he can't win against God. So we must draw near to God and resist the enemy (Jms.4:7-8). Our Lord wins every battle, every war, every futile attempt to stand against Him. He utterly destroys all who stand against Him, always has, always will. We need to make sure we're on the winning side, fighting in His army, and not the receiving end of His wrath.

Husbands and wives, fight for your family. Fight for your spouse, cherish each other & love one another as you ought. Fight for your marriage. Fight for love.

Fathers, fight for your home. The battle is not in some distant land, it's at your doorstep, in your home, at your table, in the lives of those you hold most dear. Let out the warrior inside and fight valiantly every waking minute for the sanctity of your home and the souls of your family. Rid your life of sin and drive it far away from your family; don't allow it to enter your home. Be a spiritual giant by standing with the Lord, be a rock for your family, take on this enemy with everything at your disposal and don't ever back down. Stare this lion in the eye, take him by that mangy mane of his, and strike him down showing him no mercy. Strengthen your home by leading spiritually, provide the spiritual nourishment with God's word, and see that all stick to the spiritual diet so they remain strong in order to fight with you. Strengthen the soldiers within your four walls, be united, watch each other's backs, lead them courageously in taking that spiritual hill each and every day. Lead them home to heaven. 

Mothers, fight for your babies - no matter their age - because the enemy will never cease until he has destroyed all, ripping them from your loving arms. Drive sin from your life and don't allow it to creep in to your home. Let mama bear out, defend your cubs against this wicked enemy lurking about. Fight for yourself, fight for your family. Strengthen and support your husband, he needs you by his side each and every day. Some days he'll need a reminder of what he's fighting for, be that strong woman by his side who lifts him up in all that's right and good, be that reminder who helps him keep heaven always within his sights. 

Fight for yourself, keep your soul free from death. If you're trying to hide, thinking you can be a noncombatant in this war, then you're losing. In fact, if you call yourself a Christian but you're not abiding by the Lord's commands, then you're a traitor to the cause. You're fighting against God, not for Him. Let us all diligently search out God's word to see if we measure up to what we've been given the task of doing, and that is following Christ. Get in the fight, if you're not already, by becoming a Christian. As Christians, let us stand united against sin and against our enemy, the devil. 

God will win the war, will we be with Him or against Him? The choice is ours this day. Let's win this war so we can go home when our battle here is ended.

Fight for the homeland, fight for your Lord, fight for your family, fight for each other, fight for yourself. Destroy the enemy that is sin today, use every method at your disposal given by God. Fight so that you may live forever with Him in heaven. Duty demands it, heaven requires it. 

Suit up soldiers of Christ, put your armor on, it's time for war.

Let's get to work.


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