

I admire the man who fails while attempting something great. I have respect for those who know the odds are stacked against them, yet they push forward anyway. It is when we cease challenging ourselves, quit trying for fear of failure, quit seeking self-betterment that we cease to have growth and that thing called maturity fades away. 

Some in this world view those with limited mental capabilities as a burden, they view them as a drain on society, they view them as worthless. I view the people who think that way as small-minded simpletons who can't see the forest for the trees; and I pity them in their foolishness and pray they see the light.

Those in this life who operate daily with limited mental capabilities are an inspiration and I greatly admire them. We all know someone along these lines and friend, I tell you now, our life is incredibly blessed by their presence and we have so much to learn from them. Learn from them what it means to lean on your fellow man, what it means to love others without prejudice, to love life, to smile, to see the good, to struggle and keep going - Every.Single.Day. How many of us sit back and find things to complain about, but what about these people who live and walk among us who just continually fight every day with smiles on their faces, daring courageously to live out this day to the best of their ability? To many of us they're "limited" but friend, if we're honest, who's the "limited" one most of the time? 

Let's consider next those elderly among us who are feeble in body, yet strong in mind and spirit. Every day it hurts just to do the things you and I take for granted (if we're fortunate enough to live to their age, we'll have similar issues with our bodies, don't forget that). They continuously fight through the pain, the bodily weakness, the war being waged within them to give up. But, they fight and they show us what it means to push on when everything inside you is striving to keep you down. They are an inspiration. We who are younger need to wake up and take notice. Learn all you can from those who are aged, learn what it means to truly age gracefully; for one day they will go the way of all man...and then we'll be aged if we're fortunate enough, what story will our lives tell to those around us? 

We all have challenges in this life. If we're attempting to take the easy road in life then we're losing our fight, we're disrespecting our God who gave us this very life, we are not growing or getting stronger, we're making a mockery of our lives. Try to explain your "challenges" to those who legitimately have issues in this life; the elderly or those who have lessened physical or mental capabilities. This is not said to minimize the fact that we all have our own bag of problems we face and challenges to overcome. This is said to draw attention to the fact that no one is exempt from the problems of life, we all have something to overcome, but our greatest challenge, more times than not, resides in our own minds and in our stubborn ways. 

The Lord said this road of the straight and narrow is difficult - how easy is the road you are on (Matt.7:13-14)? Honestly assess if your life as a Christian matches up to the description the Lord gave of those who follow Him. If it doesn't match up then we're doing something wrong. Figure it out and change your ways. This life is supposed to be challenging, we should be growing daily by overcoming the obstacles satan throws in our way. Sometimes the greatest foe we face in this life, our greatest challenge, is ourselves. We place limits and excuses in the way when faced with challenges of life when God says, "Go ahead, you can do this, I'm with you. I've given you everything you need to do My will." 

Here's a test. Try to write out, in simple terms you could tell a child, what your life as a Christian is like. Now, compare that description to God's word, to the life of Christ, to the apostles, to the prophets of old. How do we measure up? If we don't measure up, it's not because God hasn't given us the tools; it's because we're not using those tools, we're not challenging ourselves, we're not on the straight and narrow. 

It's interesting to note those who have a legitimate reason to not do something (physical/mental limitation or old age/infirmities), as the world views it, yet they give it their all and they go and do anyway. Then there are those of us who have no excuse (no physical/mental limitations, have good health, etc.), who try to devise a reason why we're not doing what we're told by God, why we're not challenging ourselves to do the hard things. Will God accept our excuses? Be sure that He will not.

We don't get a participation award in the Judgment, there is no "consolation" prize. God wants winners, not whiners. He wants the best of the best! We are the best of the best if we're following Christ fully. So where do you and I fall in that list? What are we striving for? 

Look at the promises friends! 

1John 5:4-5
Revelation 2:7,11,17,26 
Revelation 3:5,12,21 
Revelation 21:7

These verses say heaven is for "...him who overcomes..."
Are we overcoming, or are we seeking the easy way?

Let's challenge ourselves. Let's not settle for second-best. Let's not look for a way out, rather let's find the way up to heaven. Let's seek to be the best we can be in every role we have in this life. Let's learn a lesson from those among us who fight daily to live, those who bring gladness and joy to this world while facing life's challenges. These we have mentioned show us what it means to patiently endure, they show us what it means to fight those things which challenge us, and they show us how to overcome daily. Let's follow their example. 

Let's overcome. 
Let's go and do (not "try", do). 
Let's follow the path of the Savior.
Dare something truly great today, dare to shine your light. 
Dare to live like Christ!

No excuses.


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