Dying Words

Dying Words

1 Kings 2:1-4 - David's dying words to Solomon
2 Timothy 4:6-8  - Paul's departing words
John 19:30 - Jesus's dying words

What would you say if you knew those words would be your last? What words would echo as you left this life?

For some it wouldn't be words at all, only tears of regret.
For others it would be fear of what's surely coming next.
Some might leave this life in anger, spewing hatred until their last dying breath. While others would leave this life with the plea for others to follow the Lord diligently, submit to God, serve Him faithfully.
Others would leave this earth knowing they did what they came to do, sure of their home. Still others would leave this life with peace, with the word of God on their tongue and the hope of eternal life safely secured in their hearts.

Consider today that the words which flow out of your mouth may be the last words someone might hear. This is no light matter to consider. Will our words today be words of truth and uprightness, words of life, words which enrich the soul; or will our words be that of bitterness, cursings, emptiness, selfishness, words of death, sinful words, words which kill the soul? We must weigh what we say against God's word. Let each word be true, fruitful, and godly.

How we choose to live is important, for that determines the eternal home of our soul. Some don't have the opportunity to speak before they pass, if that's the case with us then will the life we have lived to that point speak enough? Will our life leave others with hope, with confidence, with gladness of heart and fond memories of a life well-lived; will we leave footsteps that follow the path of our Savior? Could the memory of our life serve as a pattern of how to serve Christ faithfully, of how a Christian can make it home to heaven?

If not, why not?

David left his son Solomon wise words to follow and determination to uphold the ways in which he had walked before God. He called for his son to be a man, to follow in the paths of righteousness, and to submit to God.

Paul left his brethren with the calm assurance that if we as Christians will but persevere, we will surely enter that rest. He never quit on God, he continued running his race until death overtook him. Paul left others with hope that no matter what faces us in this life, we can overcome and go home to our reward when our life here is ended.

Jesus left this world with the words, "It is finished." He left a life that resonates throughout all time of righteousness and true love for all. He left this life having done all He was sent here to do. He gave His life so that we might have forgiveness of sins, so that we could have life eternal by following His perfect example. He lived a life of service, He gave us all the tools necessary to follow in His footsteps, to live righteously. Through Him we have the opportunity to accomplish the task of serving God all our days.

Have we done what our Lord has commanded of us, are we completing the task of being a true Christian, each and every day, every moment? Can we leave this life knowing we have done all that the Lord has required of us as His servants?

Are we ready to meet our Lord?

While the words of Psalm 71 are not dying words, they no doubt show the sentiment of one who is aware of the brevity of life and the full dependence one should have upon God to sustain him both here and in the after-while. Read through this magnificent Psalm and make those words your own, for we serve the same God and as His we should have this same hope.

We should be ready at any time to meet our Lord. Once again, are we ready?

Is there anything standing in your way of full assurance of a home with Him? If today were your last, what words would you leave those left behind to carry on? Keep in mind that any word you speak today could be your last, what will stick in the minds of each person you speak with? Will it be your godliness, will they remember they spoke with someone who is truly a Christian?

If you couldn't speak, would your life speak volumes and be such that others could follow in your footsteps and make it to heaven (1Cor.11:1).

Let's evaluate our lives. Let's investigate whether we're truly following in the footsteps of our Savior; for if we call ourselves after Him but aren't following Him faithfully then we're liars and we will surely burn eternally.

Let us purge our lives of sin, clear our paths of anything which offends, and let us run with endurance the race set before us. We will surely attain if we faint not. We only get one shot at life here on earth. Let's wear these bodies out in service to our Lord. 


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