Be Still

Be Still
Ps.46:10 NKJV
"Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!"
Time would escape me if I were to try and count all the times I was told as a hyperactive little child, "Matt, be still." I know this concept and meaning well, but as I've grown into an adult I have allowed myself to forget at times the value of this. How about you? How often do we just "Be still", or be calm, and appreciate God, this life, our loved ones, the world around us and know, without a doubt, that God is? How often do we truly take the time in our busy lives to understand that God is in control, that God reigns Supreme, that we must realize our place before Him and serve Him? How often do we fail to exalt Him? How often do we let the world get the better of us and get so caught up in the feverish activity going on that we allow ourselves to fret, to lose sight of our God and our goal?

So much movement, so much activity. Life gets so busy. So much noise, so much chatter. Oh how often we fail to take time aside to enjoy silence; we neglect taking time to speak to God in prayer and allow Him to speak to us through His word. We need music playing constantly, we need to always be talking, we need more noise, and we are just so terribly uncomfortable with any amount of silence. Why? Why can't we just "be still" and know that God is God?! Friends, let's look to Christ and take time to be alone in silence with God, look how often Christ took time to be alone in silence speaking to God in prayer. Take time with His word, take time to pour your heart out in prayer to Him, take time to listen to others, take time to spread God's word, take time to just enjoy the sounds of life around you.

Soon, Lord willing, we will have a little blessing in our home that we will be entrusted with, by God, to raise in His nurture and admonition. We will be given the sober task of teaching a new soul, our own flesh and blood, about God and how to love Him. We will be blessed with the privilege of teaching this new soul the beautiful account of the Bible from beginning to end, and of our precious Savior. Silence and quiet time may get a little more difficult to have, but find it we must for we have a great responsibility before us and we must give it all to God and lay it all at His feet. We must take the time to "be still and know" so we may faithfully execute our roles unto God, each other, and unto our child. 

Friends, take time to just be still today and know that our Lord is God. Take time to realize everything this means and then live accordingly. Find some quiet, silence the world, and let God's word speak; then speak to God in prayer. Life will be better once we finally decide to do it God's way. Trust God and trust His word. Friends, let's set ourselves to learn and perfect how to "be still and know" and have faith as we should. 

Heaven awaits us. Let nothing stand in the way of reaching home.


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