Escaping The Noise

Escaping The Noise

"When I kept silent, my bones grew old Through my groaning all the day long." (Psalm 32:3 NKJV)
"Accept, I pray, the freewill offerings of my mouth, O Lord , And teach me Your judgments." (Psalm 119:108 NKJV)

There's a certain comfort and peace that comes from getting lost in the silence of one's own thoughts. Peaceful or rhythmic music that allows the mind to roam, to relax, to be calm is priceless. Life is so full of noise. So many voices shouting, "Do this! Be this! Don't do that! Don't think that! Laugh at this! Buy that!" and on and on it goes. Sometimes the best thing is to simply get away, somehow, to allow the mind to recover from the seemingly endless barrage of noise and mental clutter. To escape, to withdraw, to take time alone to just be still. This is okay to do and it is needful to do.

Jesus did this numerous times throughout His time here. He escaped the crowd and went to pray to the Father. The release valve on the issues of life was a direct line to God, and it still is for us as well. When was the last time you and I poured our hearts out to God, and I mean truly just completely laid bare our hearts to Him? As David says in Psalm 32, "when I kept silent my bones grew old..." and that is the word picture with us as well when we grow silent with God and don't pray as we ought.

Retreat from the busy-ness that is your life and take time to speak to the Lord. Do this every day. If you're not doing this very well, then read through the Psalms and note what is said and how it is said. Work on this every single day, be constant in it. Create for yourself a routine, make it your custom (as did Jesus, Daniel, Cornelius, & others), and do it consistently. Withdraw from the crowd, get away from the noise, spend time alone with God. Our hearts, our souls, our lives will be better off because of it, and that's a promise (Jms.5:16). Escape the noise.


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