Small Steps, Big Compromises

Small Steps, Big Compromises

So much of the sin that takes place in our life can be traced back to a single point in time when we strayed from the straight road in favor of the broad (Matt.7:13-14). We begin by making allowances for ourselves to engage in sin, then we arrive at a point we never intended wondering how we got that far gone, but it's not for lack of warning from God. How do we get there? Little steps, big compromises. 

How did Israel of old get to the point where they sacrificed their own children in worship to idols? It started the day they got comfortable, ceased working, and allowed the inhabitants of the land to stay rather than continue driving them out as God instructed. 

Where am I going with this? Well, let's begin with a real-world example of something that particularly plagues our culture and has seeped into the church: failed homes, failed fathers, failed marriages. Our culture is one that exploits women as objects (from the style of dress, to our entertainment, to what we view as beautiful) rather than valuing them for who they are. We, as a society, applaud women who wear little to nothing, we encourage it by the shows we watch, who we give attention to, we'll even encourage our daughters to follow in the world's footsteps by exposing what should be covered (not to mention mothers trying to dress like their daughters), failing to see that this sort of thing erodes the dignity and true value of the person inside. This pattern leads to heartbreak and begets more sin.

I'll confront this issue from the point of view of men, mainly because I am one, but realizing that women are not exempt from the issues that plague marriages, families, and the home from their side of things.

How do you husbands want your marriage to be? Do you want your family to fall apart because you give in to lust and commit adultery? Do you want your children's lives to fall apart because you failed to restrain them, or because of your example? No? Well then quit looking at other women (Matt.5:27-30). Stop letting your eyes gaze upon anyone other than that sweet wife of yours who loves you; that amazing woman whom you love and are committed to for life. Take great offense, instead, at anyone or anything which competes for the attention you should be giving to your wife. Guard your eyes, guard your heart, guard your home. As hard as the world strives to appeal to our lust and carnality, strive that much harder in your devotion to your spouse, your home, your soul, your love for your family. Don't let your home fall apart, don't let yourself or your family members be carried away by lust. Start by getting the offending material out of your home, away from gazing eyes. Do away with movies, tv shows, internet traffic, or anything else that may take your heart or eyes, or that of your family, away from God. Don't let your heart be led away from your wife or your family. Fiercely guard your home and your soul. Be the man of your house, be a leader, be who God calls you to be. Don't allow immodest dress to enter or exit your home, either. Your wife's body is for your eyes only, not the world's. The body of your children are for their spouse one day, if they choose to get married, do your part in helping them preserve that body and keep it with all diligence; give them the tools to do this when they leave your home. Lastly, men, we understand that the world will be sinful and they will lack the proper attire in various instances; some things are by their nature out of our control, however we can control our minds, we can look away, we can and should have the determination of Job (Job 31:1). 

What about our spiritual growth? How do we grow weak in our service, in our faith, in our devotion to God? Small steps, big compromises. How do we do this?

* At some point we stop taking our spiritual growth seriously, thus we fail to take God's word seriously, finding it more convenient to just not think about the consequences of our actions (or our inaction) rather than own up and make the changes necessary 
* At some point we seek to make God's word conform to our thoughts, our emotions, our ways - we make it say something it doesn't - rather than conforming our lives to fit its truth
* We place doctrine in the realm of liberty and place our liberties in the realm of doctrine, then compromise other things in order to be consistent with the position we have taken
* We compromise the truth because of a family member who has fallen out of step with God's word, rather than hold fast to the word of truth (Matt.10:34-39). 
* We seek to allow situations to dictate what the truth is on a matter, rather than accepting the fact that God's word never changes and He never approves of sin (2Tim.3:16-17).

Some ways we begin down this road: 
* We quit devoting the time and attention necessary to growing spiritually
* We put away our bibles
* We grow laxed in our attendance to worship and bible studies 
* We grow inconsistent in our prayers
* We seek to justify our lifestyle 
* We look for, and take, the easy way through life
* We permit ourselves to sin and erode our consciences a little bit at a time 

To sum it all up, we grow dishonest rather than grow up (Eph.4:11-16).

Friends, don't let the things of the world draw us away from our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, who died for our sins. May none of us be guilty of making that sacrifice be for nothing in our lives by how we choose to live (Heb.10:26-31). Let's keep our foot from ever starting down the path to sin, let's avoid even the appearance of evil, resist satan and choose to follow God (Psalm 1; 1Thess.5:22; Jms.4:7; Matt.5). 

Let's live with purpose. 
Do whatever it takes to escape sin. 
No excuses, no compromises.
Take control of your life!


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