Living With Purpose, On Purpose

Living With Purpose, On Purpose

How often do you and I live life searching, acting as if something is missing, always looking for that one thing we don't know we're missing but forever in search of it. We fill our lives with more things, we throw ourselves into our work, our play, our recreation, and we somehow think, "yea, this is what I need..." only to find ourselves yet again lacking that something. 

We live for tomorrow and we forget to live today. We miss our lives, we miss the true nature of what living is, we fail to acknowledge why we're here. How often we fail to appreciate the world around us as it is that day, taking time to enjoy the blessings right before our eyes, opting instead to let ourselves complain about what's missing, how we've been wronged, how our life just doesn't quite add up like we think it should? And so, we pillow our heads in futility dreaming of new ways to chase but never catch this thing called life, to fill ourselves with what would make us whole and perhaps happy, sleeping but not really resting. We go to bed contemplating how to live yet another day in pursuit of something, we know not what, while saying to ourselves, "now tomorrow, tomorrow will be different" only to awake and find we're still not sure what it is we're after.

We fail to see that thing that's missing, that thing we're feverishly in pursuit of, that thing that is absent each and every day is, us. We are not present for our own lives, how absurd. Our soul, that inner man and our true self, is being starved to death while we go in search of something else. Life passes us by while we distract ourselves with various pursuits that we find important only to find that we missed something far more important that day. We missed our children growing up, we missed our spouse needing us in the present to support them in some way and to truly love them, we missed bringing our family together and devoting time to God as a family, we missed praying to God, we missed taking time with His word, we missed our life. We forgot, or rather neglected to acknowledge, that our life here is in preparation for the next. That what we do here determines our final home. We find that what we lack, above all else, is spiritual growth because we're too busy making plans to stay here rather than go home to heaven. We are absent in our own lives because we're too dull of heart to recognize life is so much more, and has so much more to offer, than occupying ourselves with tasks and just going through various duties to get to the end of the day. 

Life is meant to be lived with purpose and on purpose, most especially the life of a Christian. There is always more to do for God, more to learn from His word, more ways to grow, more we can do to serve Him faithfully. Christianity is more than just keeping ourselves from sin, it's actively pursuing and doing all we can of that which is right with true hope and faith in our Lord. Not going through empty actions with no purpose, it's doing what's right because of our love for God and because of His Son. 

So what's our life about? What are we pursuing? Do we have a purpose to our actions? Are we intentionally living or are we merely existing? 

Life is precious and it is short, what will we do with this day? Make the conscious choice to live each moment faithfully and on purpose, live each moment looking unto Christ (Heb.12:1-2). Don't let today pass fruitlessly, be in the present, don't forsake your duties, truly live and let that which is most important take precedence in every action you undertake. Let's consider the state of our souls, let's be sure to end this day, no matter what may come, in right relationship to our Lord. Let's strive to enter that rest awaiting His faithful servants (Heb.4:11-13).

Our life is passing before our very eyes (Jms.4:7-17), may it not pass in vain.

Let's live with purpose. 
Let's live on purpose.

Focus on the goal of heaven, let nothing stand in the way of reaching it (Matt.7:13-23; Mk.9:43-50: 1Cor.10:12-13). Let each action and thought today be intentional while in pursuit of heaven. 

Press on friends.


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