Anywhere Is Home

Anywhere Is Home

Anywhere is home, (home sweet home) let come and go what may (come what may); Anywhere I roam, (anywhere I chance to roam) He keeps me all the way (each day); So for His dear sake, (my dear Master's sake) my cross I’ll meekly bear; Anywhere is home, (home sweet home) if Christ, my Lord, is there.

My wife and I were in Las Vegas for a work conference back in July. We had some apprehensions about going to a conference in this city, known as "Sin City", but planned ahead and found plenty we could do to stay away from much of the ruckus. We actually had a good time and would like to go back at some point (but opting to stay outside the city rather than in, most likely). But still, having landed and gone to our hotel we still felt out of place, and understandably so. In my mind I compared this place to Corinth of old with all its wickedness and depravity that existed there. However, the next morning we awoke to go worship with the brethren at the Vegas Drive Church of Christ. After walking in and being greeted by many of the members, studying with them in their wonderful Bible class, and hearing a strong sermon from God's word, we felt like we were home; and as we returned that evening and Wednesday evening we again were comforted.

Here we were in a city that is known for its numerous sinful activities and yet, among all this, we find our good brethren hard at work and mindful of their task before them in sowing the seed and serving our Lord faithfully. It's hard to judge after only three visits, but the caliber of those three visits left us with the impression that this group was strongly standing for what is right; we were glad that, to all indications, this group was sound and we will continue to recommend them to others unless we find out otherwise. We thank these good brethren for the breath of fresh air that they were and the comfort they provided by simply being who God expects them to be. From the bottom of our hearts, we thank these brethren for making us feel at home with our spiritual family.

I say all of this to get across the point that no matter where we are in this world, if we take the time to find our faithful brethren in that location we will find that no matter our geographical location, we're always at home. When God's children serve Him faithfully, He is among them. It was comforting that, despite our apprehensions about the town itself, we found brethren standing for what is right, preaching against sin strongly, and calling for faithfulness from all Christians in our journey toward heaven.

And so it was that I found myself thinking of this hymn. This hymn, along with a few tears in my eyes and a lump in my throat, came to my mind; as I reviewed the words it held a deeper meaning than it ever had before. Thanks to our good brethren, and our decision to take the time out to worship God with them - as any Christian is expected to do (Heb.10:24-25), regardless of whether we are at home or away from home - I now have a deeper appreciation for this hymn and my role in serving God faithfully anywhere I go. In addition to this, I now have a greater determination to be who I need to be, help my brethren be who they need to be, and encourage all who may come into our assembly to be faithful servants of God. I want to give others that same comfort that being among faithful brethren means they're home, no matter where they go. I want to shine my light brighter so that others may gain strength, having taken the time to worship God along with people they don't yet know, but with whom they have the greatest blessing of all in common with- that of being a child of God. It is always a joy to see family, but what an even greater joy to meet family we had not known before; spiritual family, our brethren, those of whom we desire to gather around the throne of our Lord in worship to Him for eternity when this life is over. What a blessing it is to gather with those of like minds and like faith (Ps.122:1; Ps.133:1; Rom.12:16; Phil.2:1-2). May we all be faithful to the Lord wherever we go.

Another thought occurred to me while on that trip: No matter where we go in this life, if we walk with our Lord then anywhere is home. It matters not how dark and dreary be the way in this life, how difficult things get, or how weary we become; we know that with our Lord we are never alone and through Him we can overcome anything. There is nothing on this earth of which I am to fear or be afraid, for my Lord goes with me. We know that the Lord is our strength, and His word furnishes us completely unto every good work (2Tim.3:16-17). We know, beyond a doubt, that there is absolutely nothing at all that can separate us from the love of our Lord and we are determined to never let anything stand in our way of reaching eternity with Him (Rom.8). Friends & brethren, anywhere is home if Christ our Lord be there. Our question remains whether we will choose to walk daily with Him (Lk.9:23).

If we're trying to live this life without God then we are homeless as well as hopeless. Live this hymn today and every day. Let it ring true in your life, be a blessing to others, shine your light and lead others to our loving Savior. Heaven awaits God's faithful children, step up to the challenges in front of you and face this life with God! Do it friends, and may we all lay hold of eternal life (Heb.6:9-20; 1Tim.6:6-16; Phil.3:7-16)!

Anywhere is home, sweet home, if Christ my Lord is there!

Anywhere Is Home
Earthly wealth and fame may never come to me, And a palace fair here mine may never be; But let come what may, if Christ for me doth care, Anywhere is home, if He is only there. 
Oft, I’m tossed about and driven by the foe, Sad within, without, wherever I may go; But I press along, still looking up in prayer, For it’s home, sweet home, if Christ is only there. 
I will labor on till I am called away, Till the morn shall dawn of that eternal day, Looking unto Him who keeps me in His care; Anywhere is home, if Christ, my Lord, is there. 
Anywhere is home, let come and go what may; Anywhere I roam, He keeps me all the way; So for His dear sake, my cross I’ll meekly bear; Anywhere is home, if Christ, my Lord, is there.


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