The Lord Your God

The Lord Your God
Lev.18:4-5 NKJV
"You shall observe My judgments and keep My ordinances, to walk in them: I am the Lord your God. You shall therefore keep My statutes and My judgments, which if a man does, he shall live by them: I am the Lord."
Notice here the reason God gives for why they should observe, keep, and walk in His ways: "I am the Lord your God" and the conclusion of the matter He has ordained: "I am the Lord". Do we really need any other reason than these? 

I remember growing up my parents giving me the reason, "because I said so", and I recall not liking that answer. However, it put me in my place and looking back I understand more fully that the very fact they are in authority, and that authority was given them by God, is reason enough to do as I was told. Essentially the reason in those cases from my parents was, "do what I told you because I'm your parent and you're my child. What I tell you is for your own good. Your obedience is what's required here." 

What are we as Christians? We're the adopted children of God, welcomed into His family as His own, and joint heirs with Christ (Rom.8:16-17). Because our Father has told us to do something is reason enough, is it not? Sometimes like foolish children we desire to know all the reasons why or why not, which if we were told we wouldn't fully understand. At times we will even foolishly argue with those who simply extend the truth of God's word to us, as if by showing us the truth, which we could read for ourselves, they are somehow doing us harm. True love is that which submits to God and His word, and seeks to help others do the same. Would God instruct us to do something that His Son hasn't already done? No. Why then do we argue with God, and those who abide by and teach His word, by how we choose to live daily? 

Comb through your life and see what's lacking, according to God's word, and determine what needs to be done to correct it. 

We need to honestly ask two questions:
* Do I love God?
* Is my answer to the previous question accurately reflected by my obedience to His word?

God has given us His complete revealed word, what will we do with it? God has given us this day and His answer to our questions about "why" we need to spend this day following Him is the same answer He gave to the children of Israel, "I am the Lord your God." 

May we heed His every command and, by so doing, reach heaven when this life is over. No excuses. No escaping His eye. No escaping His knowledge of our works. God knows all, sees all, and is everywhere; let's remember this and conduct ourselves accordingly. 

Let's just simply do His will because we love Him and because He is our God. Press on friends, the Promised Land of heaven awaits the faithful as we trod through this wilderness of life on earth as pilgrims and sojourners. God will grant us rest if we will but follow Him. May none of us miss heaven.


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