Lasting Consequences

Lasting Consequences
Deut.5:9-10 NKJV
" shall not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me, but showing mercy to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My commandments."
Sin always has consequences.
Have you considered that your choice to sin today could have lasting consequences unto those not even born yet? By you or I stepping onto that path of death and destruction we impact generations to come. Think about it...

My sin has a ripple effect throughout everyone I come in contact with; my state of mind when I'm in sin causes my influence to not be what it needs to be. My actions, my words, my thoughts have a lasting impact upon this world and all who may be in contact with me at the time; those who are exposed to my sin will in turn have impact on others, and on it goes. Our choices have long lasting consequences, friends. Is this a heavy thought? You bet it is! 

Will we choose to serve God faithfully today and give generations present and to come an example to follow as we imitate Christ in our daily walk? Will we set the bar high with those who interact with us today; will this world know they've truly been in contact with a Christian this day? What will we leave those who follow us on this earth? 

If others can't follow in our footsteps and make it to heaven then we better shape up (1Cor.11:1). When we pass from this life we leave a memory with others; what will the world say of us? Will they say, "here lies a true follower of Jesus Christ!" or is our life all about here and now? Have we shone our lights bright; have we been salt (Matt.5:14-16)? 

Remember, it is our CHOICE to sin today or not; no one MAKES us sin. We leave either a blessing or a cursing on the tongues and in the hearts of those we come in contact with throughout our life; we either leave an example to follow or one to avoid. Sin begets more sin; avoid it at all costs! Choose to follow the Lord and be a blessing to others. Heaven awaits us if we're faithful. 

Choose life. Choose Jesus Christ. Choose to make your stand today for righteousness, stand with God, fight satan today and slay that evil beast! 


We can do this, friends. Through God we have the power and unto God be all the glory! Be a blessing for generations to come by living a godly life today.


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