Our Masterpiece

Our Masterpiece

In Matthew 25:14-30 we find the parable of the talents, each was rewarded for how he made use of what he was given. The following is an application of this lesson.

I remember my childhood like it was yesterday. In school we would be given paints, water colors, crayons, markers, etc to make some picture. My favorite thing to do was find a picture as my guide and try to recreate it freehand utilizing the tools/materials at my disposal. I would create or recreate something of beauty (if for only in my estimation). I vividly remember being so proud of my work, excited to bring home a picture of something close to art, and being so enthused to show my parents. They'd always encourage me, tell me how wonderful it was like I was the next DaVinci. Then, they'd proudly display this picture on the fridge, in Dad's office, or somewhere else of prominence; thinking back on those times brings a big smile to my face. My parents valued my best efforts and encouraged me to do more, and I did. My artistic abilities were never world class, but I have a number of works of which I am proud, and they are proudly displayed in my parents' home to this day.

Is it much different for us as children of God? We take what we've been given and we try to make something out of it, we try to mold and shape this life, this mind, this soul according to the pattern that has been laid before us. God has not left us here without the tools and the ability to do all He has asked, and of a right expects, of us. We've each been given our talent(s) and we're expected to produce good works with what we have.

As we carry our works unto God on a daily basis, like proud children, what are we presenting to Him? Are we taking our best to Him or are we giving Him our half-efforts, our halfway done product, our pitiful leftovers, our feeble attempts that are nowhere near our best? At any time we should be able to present to God the end-product of our work, our fruits. At the end of every day, we should be laying our works of art, if you will, unto God completed, with our very best work being done, satisfied that we're giving to the Father our very best. Our heavenly Father then encourages us that we have done well, gives us the strength and courage to get up the next day and try to do more, do better, become even more than we were the previous day.

How are we doing with our growth in the works we produce? Are we growing toward greater works, or are we metaphorically still back in the kindergarten stage of life finger painting and eating our glue?

Lord, look! I took this body you gave me, and here's what I've done with it. Will our Lord say, "Well done, My good and faithful servant" or will we be cast out for our unprofitability? Are your hands as the hands of God, doing what God would do, what He would have us do, daily upon this earth? Are your feet as the feet of God, going about to where we would find our Lord, walking daily this earth to places where His work would be done? Have you devoted your whole body to God? This body of ours was given by God, by our choice we have decided to devote this body back to Him, as followers of His Son, and use every bit of our physical being to serve Him faithfully. What are we doing with our bodies? How are we treating this temple, this habitation of the soul? Are we a daily living sacrifice unto the Lord, or are we the world's playground?

Lord, I took this mind you gave me and here's what I've done with it. I've filled this canvas of my mind with the beautiful colors of your truth and I think upon those truths regularly. My mind is a masterpiece each day as I add more of your truth to my life and remind myself of the beautiful truths contained within your word as I open it to read and study. I put these truths into action, Lord see what I've done through following Your word! Or, Lord I've found things that please my flesh and keep me absorbed with my own pleasure and thoughts, I just didn't have time for You. You understand, right? Your thoughts and Your word is kinda hard to keep in mind and it requires more of me...I just wanted to have fun thinking and filling my mind with the world's ideas. That's okay, right? You'll accept these scribbles and doodles I made on my canvas right? Look how well I did!

Friends, what are we painting on the canvas of our lives? Are we presenting to God our best each day, each moment? Do we pillow our heads at night, confident in our salvation and eternal home according to what we've done and what God expects of us? What tools/talents have each of us been entrusted with and how are we using them to the glory of God?

Let's give of our best to the Master. Make today a Masterpiece by the picture you paint with your life; be able to confidently lay this work of art down at the feet of the Lord when this day is completed, knowing that you've used the tools you've been given to the very best of your ability. If blessed with another day, perfect your craft and produce an even better Masterpiece, and so on until that day when our life here is ended. Make your life one that others will marvel at because of the beauty that you painted with each careful and bold stroke of each work done according to the pattern of the Father. Let the product of our life, our works, be such that they cause others to praise and give glory unto God.

Let's go paint a Masterpiece today, friends.


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